Wednesday, October 31, 2012

day 1006: Conversations - Part 3: All On The Table

"Then the Lord said, I am Jesus"

This is the last post on this three part series on conversations.  I wrote of the power of the first name in a conversation and then I followed that up yesterday with how important it is that we take a conversation deeper through getting to know the person to whom we are talking. And then there is the trust thing and getting everything on the table if want to have a productive, constructive and worthwhile conversation.  One sided conversations or ones where there is either an obvious power or influence difference don't usually end up being as fruitful as we desire.  The same frustration can occur when one side of the conversation is guarded and doesn't put everything out on the table but instead leaves the other person not trusting that they know everything they need to know.  All day long we can fight these problems in the conversations we have at the office.  What we need to do is ensure that our cultures are such that everyone is on the same plane and that full disclosure and transparency is in the DNA.  It's actually a very, very important organizational trait to monitor and reinforce, both in the positive and when it is not happening.  It means having the courage to confront and call out bad behavior and if there are repeat offenders, helping them find their way into another company.  Companies can't afford the wasted time, the half-steps that get taken because of lack of trust, and the incomplete conversations that just suck energy out of an organization because the foundational elements for good conversations isn't there.  If you sense that your company, or your team, department, function, etc. isn't having the right level of conversations, then today would be the day to start doing something about it.

When Saul asked back to the voice from heaven, "Who are you, Lord?", God could have easily said back to Saul, "I am who you think I am", or "Yes, I am the Lord", or even, "You don't need to know more than this Saul". But, that is not our Lord's way.  He loves conversation with us so he allowed Saul to ask the question and then He answered with His grace, "I am Jesus." God puts it all out on the table with us each and every day and in every moment so that we can have the best conversation with Him possible. It's all up to us to to open up to Him and and not hold back.  As we think about how we can strengthen our conversations with others, all in the hopes of bringing glory to Him in all we do, we can also spend the extra time this week to open our conversation with God more fully.  He is calling our name, asking to know more, and putting everything out there and on the table for us.  Now it's just up to us.

*For those who are reading this and want more on the conversation and conversion of Saul, I recommend you check out the current teaching series: Radical Change by Pastor Terry Brisbane at

Reference: Acts 9:5 (New King James Version)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

day 1005: Conversations - Part 2: Knowing To Whom We Are Talking

"And he said, Who are you, Lord?"

As many of you know, I recently went through the crash of my hard drive.  This was the first time this had happened to me since I working for someone else and had the entire IT organization at my disposal.  When you sit inside of a large organization and your hard drive crashes, with just one phone call, you come back to your desk a few hours later and you are back up and running on the same hardware or it even becomes a good excuse to upgrade to the latest laptop, etc.  It's really no big deal.  But, when you are out here on your own, it becomes quite the ordeal.  Fortunately for me the terrific team of my IT consultant Ryan and  DriveSavers rocked it and within 10 days I was back up and running and other than being very expensive and very stressful, I am no worse than I was before.  This time, though and going forward, I am always backed up.  During the trauma days, the DriveSavers team kept me up to date with what was going on and went out of their way to calm and assure me.  In fact, their Customer Support people also carried the title of Data Recovery Counselors.  You see, they know and recognize how when someone is in a moment of crisis, that the answer is in knowing someone better than they know themselves to help them weather the storm.  How many times do we desperately wish for someone to just know us so we can feel that the right thing is going to happen?  When we are in problem resolution mode, 100% of the time.  Our best and deepest conversations with our customers and consumers come when we know them and they know that back.

On the road to Damascus, Saul had heard the voice from the sky and his first reaction and response was to make sure he knew who it was that was calling his name.  But, look closely at his response and see that he didn't just say, "Why are you?".  He said, "Who are you, Lord?".  Saul, knew who it was who was calling him, otherwise he would not have added the word, "Lord". Instead, what he sought to do, was to find out more before he responded or reacted.  He didn't probably know he was doing it, but he was doing what we all do when we meet someone for the first time, we deepen the conversation by asking and wanting to know more about who it is we are speaking.  Truly knowing someone is powerful.  Taking the time to know them better, if sincere and without an agenda, usually is well received.  How many times are we going to the extra step, taking the extra moment to just get to know someone a little better?  This is called caring and when we do it, we are setting an example to follow.

Reference: Acts 9:5 (New Kings James Version)

Monday, October 29, 2012

day 1004: Conversations - Part 1: First Names

"Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"

Business is full of conversations. All day long we have them, repeat them, track them and follow up on them.  More than any of us would like these conversations can also get muddled, discombobulated, turned around, and downright misquoted or misstated.  While conversations can be powerful, they can also be dangerous if not guarded and tended.  Today we have software to help us in our conversations.  Salesforce has "Chatter". Microsoft bought "Yammer" and of course we can still fall back on email, texts and Facebook.  But, the most important conversations we have are one-on-one when it's just two people in real-time trying to solve a problem, create a solution, set a plan, or resolve a dispute, etc.  What is so powerful about these conversations is that it is the melding of two people who know each other, hopefully have some level of trust (if not, then it's either an argument or a discussion) and can call each other by first name in a way that endears, strengthens and solidifies the relationship. The best conversations occur between people who are on first name basis.  The question for us in our businesses and organizations is what are we doing to ensure that the relationships between our people and teams is strong enough to withstand whatever conversation is thrust upon them?  Can we say today that everyone is on first name basis with each other?

At my church our Pastor is teaching on the conversion of Saul.  There are many. many lessons to take from this account, but one that struck me from the beginning of the series is that Jesus called Saul by first name when he spoke.  This is how God gets to us.  When we finally realize that He knows us by our first name and like when someone calls us by first name, even when walking down the street, we just can't ignore the shout out.  First names are powerful.  If we want to model Jesus, then we might think about taking the time and the effort to know the first names of everyone around us so that when the time comes for us to call or say their names, in whatever the circumstance, they will know we care enough to have learned who they are.  That is our Lord.  He knows who we are and calls us, all the time, by our first name.

Reference: Acts 9:4 (New Kings James Version)

Friday, October 26, 2012

day 1003: Indifference

" be diligent and turn from you indifference."

Indifference is a killer in business.  Whether it be a company that becomes indifferent in their attitude towards their customer or quality, or internally when people become indifferent to their work product or to the people around them.  Regardless, if you want to see a company go quickly down the toilet then look for indifference.  No better place that we have seen that in our lifetime than the American car industry.  Once at the top of their game by miles, over decades they let one company, or country, creep in at a time and bring to the consumer new and fresh concepts, leaving themselves behind and without a way to catch back up.  When the Japanese saw the rising cost of gas in the late 1970's they responded with smaller and more fuel efficient cars.  Detroit stayed with the gas guzzlers and lost multiple decades of sales. Some one would say this happened because of the blindness of arrogance.  I would take it further and say that indifference was also a part of the problem. It might have been arrogance at the top, but anything you read or hear about during those times had the American car worker feeling, a the best, very indifferent.  Gone was a sense of pride.  Gone was the motivation to work harder and more efficiently.  Gone was the trust of senior management that must be there for innovation and risk taking to occur.  Where new companies would open, like Saturn in Tennessee or Subaru in Indiana, those workers were far from indifferent.  They wanted to win.  The point is that indifference is a silent killing disease and one that must be constantly watched for and avoided.

We know where indifference in our spiritual journey will take us.  The whole lukewarm thing doesn't have to be restated.  It's easier than we think to become indifferent and we need to constantly protect ourselves from waking up one morning and feeling indifferent about our faith. When things are good, it's more likely to become indifferent because we begin to take for granted what God has done for us.  The danger in indifference is not only to ourselves but those around us who might see us slipping back into old habits or not being the person that they knew us to be that they counted on as an example and inspiration in their own lives.  Today, as we head into the place where everyone is always watching, our workplaces, let's be sure that we are not being indifferent in our faith, but instead being intentional and committed to Him who brings it all together for us.

Reference: Revelation 3:19 (New Living Testament)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

day 1002: Competition

"When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of its socket."

 All around us in competition.  We can't open a business site or newspaper and not have competition right in front of us.  Samsung vs. Apple, Coke vs. Pepsi,  Bing vs. Google.  Need I say more?  But what is it about competition that can be harnessed for good and advancement?  A lot in fact.  Business thrives on competition.  We love to know who is the opponent, identify their weaknesses and then go after them, keeping score until we are the victors.  Many a business plan is built on just the simple fact of doing what someone else is doing better, faster, bigger!  Knowing our competition and being able to articulate clearly to everyone in the organization what is the definition of winning over them, is a great thing.  Leaders have it harder in this respect.  If you are number one, then the competition is you and that is harder than being number two. But, all but one doesn't have that problem, so the rest of us can take the time to find a competitor and then set plans to be better than them.

Inside of organizations and companies there is also competition.  This we must be careful of and personally watch that we don't get caught up in these games.  We have to be able to set an example as believers and followers of Jesus that we aren't those who compete with others in order to build ourselves up or tear down the other person. When we are thought about by others we want to be known as the one who builds up our peers and rides above the game of internal competition.  We can't want to hurt someone else because we can't win.  In Genesis we read of a wrestling match and we know who finally won.  God will wrestle with us over our competitiveness and guess who ultimately wins out?  We need to be careful that we don't find ourselves caught up in competition that just doesn't really matter.

Reference: Genesis 32:25 (New Living Translation)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

day 1001: Inquiring Minds Want To Know

"Go to the Temple and speak to the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah. Inquire about the words written in this scroll that has been found."

I have taken liberty with the pun, "Inquiring minds want to know". I knew this quote back in the day as the first word being spelled, "Enquiring".  That is from the tabloid rag, "The Enquirer".  Regardless, it holds up that those who are inquiring do want to know more.  The new TV ad is out with the blind test between Bing and Google as search engines.  I had to laugh the first time I saw it as someone in the ad agency must have come in and showed the Microsoft marketing team the power of the Pepsi vs. Coke blind taste tests of the 1980's.  And why not, as that advertising campaign worked then, and it can work now, just in a different age.  What I also find interesting about this ad campaign is that the premise of a better search engine is one that does the better inquiring for us.  For instance, if we wanted to search blue, we can't just put in the word blue and get what we want. That is because the painter is looking for different shades of blue, the psychology student is looking for how people use the word to describe their mood and the Will Farrell fan wants to see the clips from Old School. So, we have to modify the search.  What technology can do for us to get us the best search results is yet to be seen.  It's not only about how we inquire, but how the technology knows us. That is where it is all going and in our businesses knowing how someone inquires about our products and services so we can deliver to them what they want in the fastest and fullest way is a competitive advantage.

I am finishing up a biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I'm actually listening to it as an audiobook and it is fascinating. Bonhoeffer was a true student of the God's Word and he came up with his ways to study and learn the Bible.  I was most struck by a statement that he said about how his life changed when he stopped reading the Bible and instead began to "Inquire it". I'd never thought about using the word inquire as a verb when it came to reading the Bible, but that pivot of thinking can be a real life changer if we let it be so.  God's Word is there to open up Him to us, if we decide to truly get inquisitive.  There is no substitute for what was written and prepared as a direction gift for our lives.  How much we want to inquire defines how much we want to know. Let's be people who always, when it comes to God's Word, have inquiring minds that want to know.

Reference: 2 Kings 22:13 (New Living Translation)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

day 1000: Upgrades

"God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth."

"The line was long and we had been delayed, waiting anxiously for what felt like forever".  Where do you think I am?  If you immediately thought of sitting on an airport tarmac, then you travel as much, if not more, than I do.  Flying and being delayed are becoming synonymous these days.  Seems we are now amazed when we go from one place to another without a hitch and get there on time. I find myself almost bragging when it happens.  What can make all this better of course is that in the midst of the wait and turmoil, the upgrade comes through. That's always a sweet feeling, but like what we can all expect can be nice, when something we expect doesn't come through, then we can find ourselves disappointed and sometimes downright depressed. The anticipation of an upgrade can be this way. I read a Facebook posting of a friend who showed up at a United gate to only find out that he was number 41 on a list of 42 people waiting for an upgrade. He wrote asking, "Why even show that list?  Everyone after the three eligible people don't really need to know where they stand."  He was saying that when we expect to be upgraded and we don't get there, then don't rub our noses in it to make it worse.  It's an interesting thought and something we should consider as we think about how our customers and consumers interact with us.  What do they expect as a way of "upgrade" and if we can't give it to them as they expect, then how can we still make them feel special?  Everyone would like an upgrade. Not everyone can get them, but they can still feel good about it if we only put some thought in how that can become the norm.

God's Kingdom is the opposite of this world when it comes to earthly upgrades . There are none!  He clearly says to us at the sermon on the mount that the meek and humble shall be the inheritors of this world. And we know that the fist shall be last.  We don't stand in a line and wait for God's upgrades.  He has given his blessings to all of us and it us up to us to allow Him to reign in our lives to make them real. As we approach this work day let's see if we can't put the idea of looking for the upgrades in life out of our minds and instead sit back and let the grace of God flow over and through us, knowing, without doubt, that ours is an eternally promised upgrade to His Kingdom and it is only the move up that we should be focused.  Looking for the upgrades in our work lives and personal lives will only be frustrating. Let's instead fix our eyes on His eternity and be joyful that our time with Him will soon come.

Reference: Matthew 5:5 (New Living Translation)

Monday, October 22, 2012

day 999: The Lean

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance"

When the race has been long and hard and the finish line is now in site, do we find ourselves slumping over and just making it across, or do we want to pick up the speed and finish leaned over and forward as if there is tape there for us to break?  It's a running metaphor, but one that holds up in our business life.  Projects, sales pitches, deals, people issues, career changes, strategy development, product launches, growth plans, financial modeling, all of these and more are races that we we run every day and how we finish is important because that is what brings us back again and again. Part of the long race, and the successful completion, is knowing within ourselves that we are well trained and ready.  Drawing upon those hours, days, weeks and maybe months of preparation to say to ourselves, "I got this", is part of the success.  Has your company done the necessary work to finish strong?  Training, development, encouragement, process, commitment, mechanisms for rewards and recognition all play into this preparation.  Think about it.

Paul tells us to rejoice in the difficult parts of the race because he knows that it is in these moments that endurance is built.  He is talking about the ultimate life race that we are to finish well.  As we start this week, think about it as a race to be run.  Watch, listen and feel how the hills roll this week.  Then be sure and get ready for the trials that inevitably come, but instead of letting those get you down, instead lean into them and know that this where the endurance that that the Lord wants us to have comes from.  Start strong and finish strong this week!  He is there with you in all His glory!

Reference:  Romans 5:3 (New Living Translation)  

Friday, October 19, 2012

day 998: Star Power

"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve"

I woke this morning and did my usual routine of media intake and I was struck today by a few stories that reinforced to me that star power is not enough.  What do I mean by that?  Two very well-known superstar entrepreneurs who were splashed all across every newspaper, blog and magazine six months ago were back on the front page of the New York Times this morning defending why their service has not grown. Once over-the-top supporters are now backpedaling and questioning the viability and desire for the product.  It's not an unusual story for a company to come into the market and fail - just think about the corner restaurant. What struck me again today was how we continue to think and put our bets on those with star power, over maybe substance, experience and deep knowledge.  Our culture has become American Idolish and we must guard against this in the workplace.  Keeping touch on what is real versus what is perceived is hard but as we make people decisions, it is critical.

So, as believers, how does this matter to us?  First and foremost, we can remind ourselves that we serve a King and that all else falls short.  Second, we can be the standard bearers in looking through the veneer and instead to the hearts and minds of people and lean towards values and principles first as the determination.  Third, we can conduct ourselves today, and everyday, in the model of Jesus, who refused and fled the moniker of "star". Without a doubt, He was and is a light to us all, but he never wanted or expects us to be one that needs star power.

Reference: Joshua 24:15 (New Kings James Version)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

day 997: For Us

"...If God is for us, who can be against us?"

There is lots of talk on the political front about who is truly for the growth and development of small business and entrepreneurs and who isn't.  What really keeps someone from denying themselves their dreams of starting a business? One of the reasons I love living in the Bay Area is that the technology community starts with the premise of, "What is the problem to be solved?"  Technology, maybe even more than any other industry segment, starts with a problem to be conquered, so problems don't get in the way, they only heighten the challenge in most cases.  It's an exciting time to be in the tech business.  Maybe, not as exciting in other industries, but we would all be best served in our businesses to look at problems and turn them over into opportunities for change, growth, adaption and progress.  Businesses must grow or change, as standing still or stagnating is the beginning of the end.  We need to be sure that our organizations are not ever standing still or waiting because someone, or something is not all for us.

God's promise is assuring.  If He is for us, then who can be against us?  Sure, we can find many people in our workplaces who are not for us and it can feel as though, on some days, that the whole world is against us.  But, that is not the way God sees it for us.  He tells us that since He is with us at all times, then we aren't to find ourselves concerned with the rest.  While this is hard to accept when all day long we may be barraged and bombarded by just the opposite, we have to look deep and know that it is God who is the only who is really for us.  God never betrays,never  lets us down and never slacks off.  Yes, as we go to work today, it is about Him who is for us and really, rest assured, none else can best Him.

Reference:  Romans 8:31 (New Living Translation)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

day 996: Verismo

"He went in alone and shut the door behind him and prayed to the LORD."

I was at Starbucks yesterday and I got a look at their new coffee maker called the Verismo.  It's a one cup coffee maker.  It is sleek and looks very modern and efficient.  But, as I went to make a demo cup of coffee I realized that their new machine uses a proprietary coffee capsule.  It's not the standard capsule that has become usable across many Keurig and other types of coffee makers.  As I reflected on this, I wondered; "Is this brilliant in the sense that they have so much to offer that they can go it alone and get their consumers to purchase the machine and their own coffee capsules?", or "Are they overly confident and arrogant that they think that they can create their own hardware and force their consumers to do something new?"  I don't really know, but at the end of the day, Starbucks has made a decision to give it a go and we will see...can they make it on their own, or will they get caught trying to create something that can't be created?  It's the longstanding question - go it alone or follow on with the market and come out on top of the market because there didn't have to be extra investment to try and create, market, and find consumer adoption on their own?

The question that companies have to ask themselves, we need to ask of ourselves as well. Are we people who will want to go it alone, with all of the risks and dangers that come with being alone, or do we put our full reliance on God and never walk alone?  Walking alone, while it doesn't make real sense, may be just in our nature and so we have to be brought to situation over invitation to put our reliance and trust in God and to not go it alone.  As we walk into this day, we should take stock of our own "Verismo" strategy.  Are we so big, so powerful, so influential that we can go it alone?  Or, are we ready to give ourselves over to the One who never leaves us alone and actually meet Him with where He wants us to be, alone with Him.

Reference:  2 Kings 4:33 (New Living Translation)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

day 995: Power Of Repetition

"Give us today the food we need, ..."

If you have watched any of the post season Major League Baseball Season then you have undoubtedly seen a few advertisements that have run over and over and over. The one that stands out to me is the State Farm Insurance with Kerry Wood and the agent that tells him about the State Farm "Discount Double Check" and Kerry Wood decides to double check into the storied outfield ivy of Wrigley Field and lo and behold, there is Andre Dawson (long retired Cubs Outfielder). It's a good ad, but more than that, it's the repetition of the commercial that is the point.  They obviously feel like it is strong enough to hold through a few times each game and through multiple games.  These are tough choices, but when they work, they work.  There is a power in repetition.  Take what works and stick with it!  Do the good things over and over and they will become a part of your brand and reputation.  There is a flip side, but that is a different post.

Jesus taught us how to pray when He gave us the "Lord's Prayer".  Hidden in this prayer is God's direction for us to pray to Him with daily repetition. "Give us today" is saying that we must come to Him daily.  There is power in the repetition in entering into His presence with open hearts each and every day!  In truth, we can't get enough of God's Word and repeating the actions and life of Jesus.  The power that God can put in us today if we find a way to be repetitive in Him, will keep not only you in the right place, but also help for your example to sink in with others.

Reference:  Matthew 6:9-13

Monday, October 15, 2012

day 994: OnStar

...and he will be called Immanuel (meaning, God is with us)."

I rented a car the week before last and I happened to hit a button as I was flipping the rearview mirror to deflect the high beams behind me. All of a sudden. from the dark, there was a a voice asking me if they could help me.  It was OnStar.  It nearly scared me off the road,  but once I shook it off, I said that I had hit the wrong button.  This was better than Siri and I immediately understood the power and security of what OnStar proposes.  It's like having one of those "I've fallen and can't get up" amulets.  Now, would I pay for the service?  That I don't know, but I am reminded about how we all like to have security and the backup for someone else.  There is a feeling that all is going to end up well and that I won't be surprised but instead be very pleased if everything works out as advertised.  We don't really need shipments to show up a day early.  Just show up on time.  We don't need lightning speed as much as we need accuracy and consistency.  Whatever it is that we provide to our consumers and customers we should be striving for them to have that OnStar like feeling of "being there".

From the earliest declarations of Jesus coming to Earth, we are told that He is a God who is with us!  There is not a moment that He is not right with us in all that we do, if we only allow Him.  There isn't a better feeling of security than the total assurance of "God is with us!"  So, it should make us ask why we allow ourselves to squeeze God out of our workday and lives? With a promise and assurance like we have been given we really should back up and check ourselves to be sure that we are taking full advantage of God's presence in our lives.  He is the ultimate "OnStar" so go ahead and push the button!

Reference:  Matthew 1:23 (New Living Translation)

Friday, October 12, 2012

day 993: Maps

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." 

When was the last time anyone was so concerned about a controversy over maps?  Well, you don't have to ask many people with an iphone before up will come a question or concern about the Apple maps on ios6 vs. Google maps on ios5.  I purposefully haven't upgraded because I depend on the maps heavily, not having a GPS in my car, not liking to rent them in rental cars, and basically not being very good at geographically orienting myself.  So, I know I am missing out on 3D orientations, continuous map fulfillment, etc.  But, when it comes down to it what I really want in a map is accuracy.  If a map fails on that front, then what good is it?  Some of us remember the Thomas Guides.  We counted on them because at least for a year, before their next issue, they were the most accurate maps of all.  In our businesses, we need to be sure and offer the same accuracy in our products and services.  Apple is taking a reputation beating right now for the miss.  We can all be on that end of the stick if we are not careful and we don't provide accuracy in what we present to our consumers and customers.

I had a conversation earlier this week with someone who is trying to figure out where to take their career.  I was quick to remind him that we have a map to call upon that helps us find out where we should go next.  That map is God's Word.  If we follow in the ways and words of Jesus we get 100% accuracy on how to manage and lead our lives moving forward.  God hasn't given us something that we need to upgrade or be concerned about changing or getting out of date.  If we need to reorient ourselves, or ever feel like we are lost, then let's get back into God's map, His Word today.

Reference:  Psalm 119:104 (New Living Translation)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

day 992: Pitches

"Don't let anyone lead you astray with empty philosophy and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking..."

Silicon Valley is hot again and I don't mean just because it is October, which is one of our quasi-summer months.  What I mean is that the Valley is hot with new innovation, high valuations and lots of capital to be invested.  If there is a slowdown in the economy and business growth, it is not here.  What is happening instead is that the changed technological advancements have allowed for much lower cost and expense barriers to starting a tech company. There are many one and two person start-ups that have been able to find seed capital to get them off the ground and going.  It is exciting to see.  What comes with this though is a "frothiness" that we need to constantly watch and monitor.  What is also of danger is that investment community can also start to get into a place where because they don't want to miss out on the next big thing that they can succumb to backing ideas that aren't fully baked or are on the preposterous side. No one has a crystal ball, but we all have to be careful that we don't find ourselves falling for those who have the pitch that just feels good to hear.

Each and every day we are also susceptible to fall for things we hear and are well-pitched.  Paul uses the words, "high-sounding nonsense". If we stop and think about it for a second, we probably each have an example of something we have heard just like that recently.  Our world is full of it and we are bombarded daily.  Without a strongly attuned filter, we can just as easily, like anyone else, fall for anything.  God's Word is the only filter we need.  When we get pitched something that is just too good to be true or is filled with thoughts and concepts that cause us confusion or consternation, then we must turn to God to for the answers. Let's not fall for the next "pitch" that just comes our way.

Reference: Colossians 2:8 (New Living Translation)


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

day 991: If Walls Could Talk

"When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every creature on earth."

I once went into an executives office and I kid you not, from ceiling to floor all around the room was one inspirational poster and placard after another. It was like a gallery of pictures and positive messages. I couldn't imagine that this person could ever have a bad day with all of those posters, some framed, some not, all speaking to whoever would read them. It's not unusual to see these inspirational sayings in cubicles, offices and on the walls of corporate America. If not generic pictures and poems, then the company will have come up with their own statements to create motivation. When rallied and aligned around these messages an organization can become unified emotionally. So, when used correctly posters and placards to trigger cues for behavior can be really good for people. If we are leading teams we can create our own sayings and symbols to keep a vision or a mission front and center. Of course any of these are only as good as the commitment and follow through behind the message. Those companies who say one thing and do another would be better off not saying anything at all.

The same is true with those messages and symbols that we set forward to describe ourselves to others. These are fine if we live up to them and we don't act in an opposite and contradictory manner. We can follow how God placed His symbol in the sky to remind us of Him and His promise that He gave Noah in Genesis 9:16; "When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every creature on earth." Today as you see one of these inspirational posters or sayings, take a look at them and ask yourself, "Am I living up to this or what could I be doing better and different to do so?" The more consistent we are with the messages we use to define ourselves the more consistent we will come across to others, which gives us much more credibility with others at work. And once we establish that credibility then many will be interested in hearing what is your purpose.

Reference: Genesis 9:16 (New Living Testament)

Monday, October 8, 2012

day 989: Persuasiveness

"I am telling you this so that no one will be able to deceive you with persuasive arguments"

I recently had a conversation about truth in advertising and the reliance that consumers have on corporations keeping themselves in check as it relates to telling the truth about their products and services.  It seems once every few years there will be news about a company that is making false claims and their advertising comes under scrutiny or is recalled.  What is amazing about this is that so many times the advertising messages are very far-fetched and it seems clear that they cannot be true, but still we purchase over and over as if our sensibilities have been left behind.  It could be lots of reasons, but one is that the advertising is so persuasive. Madison Avenue (and all other advertising companies) have our number.  They know what we fall for, what makes us cry, what our insecurities are, what are our fears, what makes us feel powerful, strong and attractive.  They know us, at least in the general, and they get to us over and over again. That said, we as business people have to be sure that we don't allow our marketing and advertising teams to make up a story that is not true. Each of us need to temper our persuasiveness to be sure we are always telling the truth and being consistent in that truth.

Our world of work, society and people all around us are constantly trying to persuade us to to do, try, and change. As believers, especially in our workplaces we have to be able to stand true and not fall for the persuasive arguments that counter our beliefs and convictions.  This week we will all be faced with these tests and Paul tells us to stand strong.  Consider today that the power of persuasion cannot overpower the Holy Spirit and that He will be there with us to countermand any persuasions if we only rely on Him!  Be strong this week!

Reference: Colossians 2:4

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

day 986: A1

"Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives."

Have you ever been to a time management class where they teach you to make a to-do list and and then place an "A" next to the most important items, then a "B" next to the next set on the importance scale, then a "C" and a "D"? After you do all of those then you can note "A1", "A2"....."B1, B2"...and on and on and you do know that you aren't even supposed to pay attention to the "C's and D's"? That is the drill. It does make you better organized and more productive so it is a good skill to develop. And the drill is good for the priorities of life too. The question always is though how is is that we know what are the "A's"? At work it is always the balance between urgent and important. Sometimes the urgent takes over, but if we make that the priority standard then we end up chasing short-term tasks vs. also seeing the long-term strategic needs. If we err the other way then we end up looking over the horizon and missing the short-term, ultimately not getting much done. So, yes it is a balance.

As believers we need to also factor in that we have another higher priority that must influence our to-do list. Galatians 5:22 tells us, "Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives." We have to be sure that we get our "A1" right first and once we have that at the top of the list then from there "A2" and on and on will fall into place. So today as you sit down to look at that list in front of you, take a moment to be sure that your "A1" is living in the Spirit and allowing the Spirit to lead across all parts of our lives. That is the "A1" that we all should be sure we have in life and at work.

Reference: Galatians 5:22 (New Living Testament)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

day 985: The Power of Choice

"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve..."

Few companies or organizations are so singularly minded that they offer only one product or service. They may start that way, but over time someone inside the organization will come up with another offering and the rationale of extension will be about giving their consumers and customers more choice. We are a people of choice and much of the foundation of capitalism is built upon the ability of those who are spending to be able to make that choice.  That is why we have closets full of clothes we never wear. It is not that we need those garments, it is because we need the choice. Getting it right for our extra offerings is never easy.  We have all watched many a company flounder with the decisions of what they should offer next.  Remember Crystal Pepsi?  Need I say more.  Providing choice is great, choosing what that choice should be demands the rigor and discipline of analysis, surveying, testing and retesting.  Choice for just the sake of choice does not usually end well.

Our God is a God of choice.  Our humanity started with a choice being given and a bad choice being made. From that point on we have desired choice and struggled from decisions of the offerings in front of us. We are given choices all day long and we choose many times to make it through the day.  Some of those choices are huge and some small.  Some are clear and some are murky.  Some are long in the coming and some have to be immediate and on the spot.  Regardless, God says that within each of these choices we must remember who we serve.  He will be there with us through our choices and He asks us daily to return to Him for the wisdom He wants to impart upon us.  He does not want us to choose unwisely.  All we have to do is continuously remember that He is always our first choice!

Reference: Joshua 24:15 (New King James Version)

Monday, October 1, 2012

day 984: Clouds

"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach what is true and to make us realize what is wrong with our lives."

Here in San Francisco, we are in the midst of business conference season.  It started a few weeks ago with Salesforce's "DreamForce Conference".  This week is "Oracle World".  Then it is "BoxWorks" and on and on.  What these have in common is the emphasis this year on the "Cloud".  The Cloud has been around for awhile now but continues to be the focus of attention as we rapidly shift away from software applications residing on our hard drives and instead living on a web link that takes us to someone elses hardware to run the program for us.  There is great beauty in being able to access a program from any computer, not having to worry about backup, and allowing the upgrades to happen on their servers, not on my computer.  Even better is that, while unspoken, we all end up running on the same version, at the same time and this brings stability, consistency and ease of access for all of us.  As we all know, there is comfort and assurance when we know the rules of the road and know what to expect each time we power and boot up.  If only our businesses, and all of our people could be so predictable and if we knew, without doubt, that we could expect everything to be up to date and by the rules, each and every time, how much better our businesses and lives would run!

As believers, we have our own "Cloud" that is always up to date, consistent and assuring.  That is God's Word.  As we search for direction and as we look for consistency and promise, we don't have to look any further than the Bible that is sitting in front of us. God gave us His cloud long ago and maybe we are a little like the software industry that we each go through our own phase of development when we go from the times of independence where all in our lives must reside with us, to to turning over ourselves to God and His Word and trusting that someone else (Him) wants to do all the hard work for us and for us to just believe and follow.  What a glorious Cloud God has created for us.  Let's today find ourselves more and more trusting on Him and His Word.

Reference: 2 Timothy 3: 16 (New Living Translation)