Friday, November 30, 2012

day 1026: Moving Time?

 "So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."

Many a business book has sold well on the idea of all of us being movable, adaptable and open and ready for change. It's the way of business today. If we can't change and react rapidly we get left behind or obsoleted. I have seen many an organization that was so flexible to change that change became the driver for the company. These are the organizations where every six months there is a major reorganization of the company and it can sometimes feel like the only constant is change. What I watch out for and fear in those companies is that there comes a sense that they must change for the sake of changing without any firm strategic or directional footing. Change for the sake of change itself is not all that organizationally healthy. As workers in a company, we are asked to change individually as well as corporately. We have to flex with the new initiatives, the new boss, the new co-worker, sometimes the new owner of the business. We have to be corporate chameleons sometimes because the colors around us change so fast. There is a watch-out here also.  That warning is that we can't be changing our own values and principles to just satisfy the direction du' jour. We have to be centered and grounded somewhere. The new boss that has a whole different approach to how people are treated or what is appropriate as actions in a company setting, can set a new tone that we are going to be expected to adapt to, to go with the flow, and to be considered good at change. But there are sometimes where we must be immovable.

Just because we are believers doesn't mean that it is any easier to see all of the changes that are coming at us. Of course, the big changes are obvious but like the frog in the warming water, sometimes it is hard to see it coming. Paul says to us this in 1 Corinthians 15:58; "So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." Paul is telling us that if we work enthusiastically for the Lord first, then we will be able to be immovable in those areas where we need to be steadfast and rock solid. Today, you may be asking yourself in the mirror questions and wondering who you have become? It is never too late to return to where you know you need to be immovable. Today, would be a great day to make the move back to where you know you and God want you to be.

Reference: 1 Corinthians 15:58 (New Living Testament)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

day 1025: Season Of Forgiving

 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

This is the season for giving. We are gearing up at the office for the Holiday party, looking forward to time off from work to spend with family and friends, and we have to get that shopping done in the midst of everyone trying to get all of the work done before the end of the year. It becomes a very busy time and while it shouldn't be, it becomes a time of stress both at work and home. When the stress sets in, the worst comes out. In these times when everything is focused on getting everything done before the big day or the end of the year, we undoubtedly will be let down by others, not get everything we need from others, and them not get all from us that they need. There will be criticism for not working fast enough and challenges that will test our patience. The question is whether or not we will rise above the stress and the pressure or allow the stress to get to us?

 Remember, this is the season for giving and with the play on the words, the season for forgiving. If we can enter the time with both of these attitudes at the forefront of our minds and hearts then we can come through this year with our heads held high and our example and role modeling that we desire held intact. As we think about this through the season and if we need any example how to give and forgive in this time we need only look at the greatest verse of all in the Bible. In John 3:16 we read; "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." In that one verse we receive the greatest gift of all, and only to be forgiven when we receive Him. Yes, this is the season of giving and the season of forgiving. Can we embrace this season with our hearts and minds set firmly both in giving ourselves to others and forgiving those around us? To get the most from this time of year and to truly begin the celebration of the coming our King, we must be able to give and forgive.

Reference: John 3:16 (New Living Testament)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

day 1024: Make Some Noise

  "... But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil."

The Bible is clear with us that to be silent in many cases is the best course of action. But we also read that there are also times for being loud. Work is that way too. There are many times when the best thing we can do is to keep our mouth shut and let others do all of the talking. By keeping quiet, we don't get dragged into the muck or have ourselves lowered to levels that would compromise our values and principles. We have all been in the situations where the emotions are running high and someone says something that he/she regrets. Even after the apology, the problem is that people are slow to forget at work so stories are told and remembered and then passed along. If there is one place that is hard to put a reputation back in the bottle, it is at work. So, we have to be even that much more cognizant and controlled at work. But there are also times to be loud. These are the times when we have to stand up for what is right and in the areas that compromise our values and principles. I feel for the people who have told me that they are sitting in jobs today because they are afraid or worried about getting up and moving somewhere else. They are staying in the jobs they have today even though where they work has become someplace that they no longer can trust or believe in the mission and how people are treated. God wants us to have courage to make the moves and get loud when we have to do so.

This coming we likely will all hear or sing the song Silent Night. It is a beautiful song and lyrics that give us the peaceful moment when Jesus was born. But even then, Jesus knew that He was going to have to put that silent night and moment behind Him. We read in 1 John 3:8 this account of why Jesus came to the earth; "... But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil." Jesus knew that He was coming to fulfill not only the purpose of building up His Kingdom, but also to tear down the works of the devil. Tearing down and destroying means making some noise about some things! Part of our following of Jesus is to be sure that we are also doing our part to destroy the works of the devil. We do that by not taking the devil's side but by making noise about what is right and living that life fully, courageously, boldly and unabashedly. As we finish this year, let's all feel good about making some noise and getting loud about it!

Reference 1 John 3:8 (New Living Translation)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DAY 1023: T.H.I.N.K. - Part Five: Kindness

"The LORD is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness."

The past weeks were filled with news about what happens when an email or communication is discovered that turns out to reveal actions and behaviors that are deceptive, dishonest and unseemly. It's worth taking a few Purposed worKING posts to remind ourselves of how we should conduct ourselves with electronic communication.  There are no secrets in the digital age and so we must T.H.I.N.K. before we act, write or speak.

And now the final post on T.H.I.N.K-ing before we write or post anything digitally.  The "K" in THINK stands for "Kindness".  So easy, but so hard to remember.  We've not spent a lot of time on the exposure points or dangers of what can happen with that email, text, or post that we think is secret or won't travel beyond the person who it was intended to reach, but by now we have all slipped and with even an honest mistake of  "Reply All" we've put ourselves in harm's way. The point of this five part series is to THINK before we write and to get in the discipline and habit of never writing or posting something that doesn't fit into one of the five THINK categories. Very big problems can get created from very small words. We are watching right now a number of labor and management problems in well known companies and when you get underneath some of them, there are communications that one side or the other so wish they hadn't made, or could pull back; that had someone thought (used THINK) before they shot off that email or statement that maybe they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.  Can you recall a time in your business when you wish you or someone else would have not communicated and sent the message that went out?  Of course, you can.  And, if any company or person inside of a company is communicating and sending messages that they shouldn't be with someone else, well that is only playing with fire and gasoline.  The better path is always to THINK, know that are no secrets, everything is stored forever somewhere, and with that go about your business with nothing to hide, head held high and always THINK-ing!

As believers we should be able manage our kindness for as we know this is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that He wants to flow through us.  But, as I said above, it's not always easy.  I have been sitting on an email from a friend for a while now that can't be responded to without finding a way to be kind. Without doing so I run the risk of losing this friend.  I actually don't think I deserved the original email but it was on one of those topics that tend to polarize people and I actually don't think he meant all of what he said, but that's not his problem.  My response is my responsibility and if I don't THINK throughout my communication then I am not living to the example of Jesus.  Using the THINK filter is not always easy but here is what I know more than anything else:  God will help all of us THINK is we only ask Him to make this a part of who we are.  Today, please reflect on this series and see if God has not been worKING in you and bringing new thoughts to you on how you communicate with others?  I suspect He is doing more work in you than you recognize.

Reference: Psalm 145:17 (New Living Translation)

Monday, November 26, 2012

day 1022: T.H.I.N.K. - Part Four: Necessary

 "In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary."

The past weeks were filled with news about what happens when an email or communication is discovered that turns out to reveal actions and behaviors that are deceptive, dishonest and unseemly. It's worth taking a few Purposed worKING posts to remind ourselves of how we should conduct ourselves with electronic communication.  There are no secrets in the digital age and so we must T.H.I.N.K. before we act, write or speak.

When we communicate, we need to pull these communications through the filter of "necessary".  There are plenty of examples where no communication at all would have been better than the communication that was released. I am always concerned about communication that ends up being restated, revised or worse yet, pulled back.  In our age of being fast and quick to the punch we can end up overreacting or communicating with emotions versus logic and facts.  Companies that feel like they must push and push out communication just to do so also run the risk of when it is time to communicate something important and needed to be read, that the audience/readers are already desensitized and never even open up the communication.  Don't get me wrong, lack of communication leaves people open to making up their own stories.  That said, being sure that there is a definition of what is necessary is a very good practice.

So many times we would be better off to just sit on our hands and not send something that really isn't necessary.  I think about the "entertaining" things that run around the internet and have to be remembered that anything we send can be misinterpreted by someone else and our reputation becomes associated with that communication.  If we are to be strong in our witness and in our example, then let's be sure that when we do communicate, that we have impact because what comes from us us always thought of as being necessary.

Reference: 1 Corinthians 12:22 (New Living Translation)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

day 1021: T.H.I.N.K - Part Three: Inspiring

In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!

Last week was filled with news about what happens when an email or communication is discovered that turns out to reveal actions and behaviors that are deceptive, dishonest and unseemly. It's worth taking a few Purposed worKING posts to remind ourselves of how we should conduct ourselves with electronic communication.  There are no secrets in the digital age and so we must T.H.I.N.K. before we act, write or speak.

Today, I ask you to take on an exercise.  It's the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and tomorrow is a day off, and maybe even the beginning of a four day weekend for some.  For everyone, tomorrow will be a day of thanks and a time to reflect and consider what it is that we can be thankful for and many will spend that time with friends and family.  Before we do so though, let's look back at the communications that we had yesterday and determine how much of it was "Inspiring".  Just take a quick scroll through your sent emails and tally up what percentage of them would have left the person on the other end of the communication feeling inspired to make the most of their day and tasks at hand.  If you aren't an email person, think about your texts, tweets or posts on social media. You know, if we can't find a way to make our messages inspiring to others, then we might want to consider not sending them. When we aren't inspiring, we are being a bummer to someone else. It's so easy in today's world to be a naysayer, a cynic, or one who criticizes and predicts the rainy and cloudy day.  Sure, the weather caster who predicts rain everyday will be right some percentage of the time, but she/he won't be the person who we will want to come be the emcee at our charitable event or host a party, etc.  No one likes people who are down in the dumps other than others who are also that way.  Inspiring others is not hard if we just focus on doing so.  How was that audit of yesterday's communication?  If it's not at least some large percentage of inspiration then it's time to re-T.H.I.N.K. how we are communicating.

God wants us to be inspirational and always inspiring to others.  That is because that is what He has done and will always do for this world.  Those things that come from God are inspiring.  Sometimes, as David wrote, they are "awe-inspiring".  Alright, so let's double down on inspiration today and carry that into our Thanksgiving break.  We will be surrounded by those that are the closest to us, let's be sure that we don't miss this opportunity to be inspirational and leave that time with all of us being better and stronger than we arrived.  This is the path of God and one that we are to walk along!

Happy Thanksgiving - On Monday we carry on with Part Four of  "T.H.I.N.K"

Reference: Psalm 45: 3-5 (New Living Translation)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

day 1020: T.H.I.N.K. - Part 2: Helpful

"The lips of the godly speak helpful words, but the mouth of the wicked speaks perverse words."

Last week was filled with news about what happens when an email or communication is discovered that turns out to reveal actions and behaviors that are deceptive, dishonest and unseemly. It's worth taking a few Purposed worKING posts to remind ourselves of how we should conduct ourselves with electronic communication.  There are no secrets in the digital age and so we must T.H.I.N.K. before we act, write or speak.

Before we write and send that text or email, let's ask ourselves if the message we are writing is truly "Helpful"? I receive messages all the time that in the end of the day might be interesting or entertaining but really aren't that helpful to anyone else other than to the person who is sending them to somehow glorify their own experiences. This is part of the societal issues that we face with social media.  Where once it was not thought well of to "brag" about places visited, things seen, experiences had, people met, etc., today, we think nothing of posting every bit of our life experience and expecting that others will find it helpful to them.  I'm as guilty as anyone.  Last week I posted a picture of an incredible rainbow that I saw while on vacation in Hawaii.  I thought it so beautiful that I wanted to share it with others.  But, in hindsight, I blew it because I didn't just post the picture with a statement about nature and God's beauty, I had to tell everyone that I saw it in Maui.  That small extra bit of information wasn't helpful really, it only boasted of where I was, which to me was "special".  I may be going to the extreme here, but it's that form of rigorous filtering that we should be putting on our communication.  Think about it before it's sent. If it's not helpful, then don't push the button.

As believers are are to monitor our words and communication even more so as we carry with us the example and reputation of Jesus and other believers with us in all that we do.  Solomon tells us in the Proverbs of how important it is that our words be helpful to others.  Let's be careful with our communication today.  In that email, text, or post, let's question how helpful we are being to others.  The opposite of being helpful is being selfish and that is not what we want to be known for today.

Reference: Provers 10:32 (New Living Translation)

Monday, November 19, 2012

day 1019: T.H.I.N.K - Part 1: Truth

"Then Joshua said to Achan, “My son, give glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, by telling the truth."

Last week was filled with news about what happens when an email or communication is discovered that turns out to reveal actions and behaviors that are deceptive, dishonest and unseemly. It's worth taking a few Purposed worKING posts to remind ourselves of how we should conduct ourselves with electronic communication.  There are no secrets in the digital age and so we must T.H.I.N.K. before we act, write or speak.

Before we write or post let's first step back and ask ourselves, is this the "Truth"? In our digital age the truth is sometimes hard to know, but we must consider and realize is that when we write, say or post it that we putting our own reputation behind the statement or picture in declaring that we must think it is the truth otherwise we wouldn't have written and sent it along. The problem is that that people distort the truth and then we just follow on and once we have "Liked" or forwarded it, it can't be take back.  We are then on record as supporting it as the truth.  Also, truth is not just as we see it to be.  That is perception.  Truth are the facts and we each have the responsibility to search out and deliver only the facts.  A misquote or half a statement, or words that we don't know where they actually came from is not the truth.  If we don't know if is the truth, then don't pass it along.

The truth as we know it in our spiritual life comes from our Lord.  We an never go wrong by staying in His truth as our foundation and grounding.  We also must realize that what we say or write is even more impacting on others because if we espouse to be followers of Jesus then we are to be people of the truth.  When it turns out to not be so, then we are not only compromised in our witness but we may have caused others to stumble. Finding the truth and never shading or reshaping it to our liking is hard, but we must stand on truth first if we are to be models that Jesus desires.

Reference: Joshua 7:19 (New Living Translation)

Friday, November 16, 2012

day 1018: The Pain Of Promises

"...and keep their promises even when it hurts."

Promises get made all the time. Sometimes they are explicit and we say, "I promise". Other times they are made in the form of commitments that we will do something or follow-through on what we have said we would do. Often promises are made in haste without the full set of data or information, but nonetheless, we don't think through our words and before we know it the words have spilled out of our mouths and we become committed, even when we later wish it was not so. If we are managers of other people, we need to recognize that people who work for us are hanging on every word and when we say we are going to do something they expect with their full attention and devotion that it will happen. It is our responsibility to follow through, even though sometime it hurts to do so. People change jobs and uproot themselves and their families on the basis of these promises. If we don't follow through then we are not only letting someone else down, we are breaking our word and damaging the reputation that we have worked so hard to develop and maintain.

David talked about this in Psalm 15 when he said that only a few who could enter the holy presence of God. One of the prerequisites and descriptors is in verse 4; "...and keep their promises even when it hurts." David knew that it is hard to keep promises and even more so when it becomes painful. He challenges us here to be different than the rest; to stand firm in our promises, regardless. Are you challenged today with a promise that needs to be kept? If you are, remember David's words as you decide what to do next.

Reference: Psalm 15:4 (New Living Testament)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

day 1017: Affiliations

"Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

Coming out of this political season it seems like the badges of red or blue might be more sticky than in any time in my lifetime.  Even just a week after the election we already have sides being strengthened and drawn and the lunchroom political banter persists.  It wasn't always this way but in this age of the 24-7 news cycle with media outlets targeted specifically to political affiliations and the new personal expression outlets of social media like Facebook and Twitter feeding a return loop, the cycle probably never ends.  We are in a new normal and this era we will be politically charged at all times. What is important is that we don't try and take politics and say that because we know who someone voted for that we think we know who they are. That is reading the book by the cover and we all know enough that that level of superficiality is not only disrespectful, it is also intellectually lazy and thereby dangerous. The messages all around us want us to listen to the soundbites and believe all of what we hear and read.  Beware, because as we know, things are not always as they appear. If we want to affiliate a company or a person then let's do that based on long-term actions and results and be open to others beyond a one dimensional affiliation.

I was recently reminded of a song that we sang in church when I was a child. As I reflected on the words, it made me think that we should all take them to work with us today. The words are based on John 13:35 and both the words and music were written by Peter Scholtes. This is what we must stand up to as our challenge!

"They'll Know We Are Christians by our Love"

We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord,
We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord,
And we pray that all unity will one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand,
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand,
And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

We will work with each other, we will work side by side,
We will work with each other, we will work side by side,
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

All praise to the Father, from whom all things come,
And all praise to Christ Jesus, His only Son,
And all praise to the Spirit, who makes us one:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Reference: John 13:35

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

day 1016: Vacation Time!

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest."

Around the world, people are preparing for the holiday months and with that comes vacation time. Americans are different than those in other countries.  We consider vacation a few days away from the office whereby those in other countries like to really get away. It's not unusual to see people take a month of vacation at a time. We all try and make the most of vacation and if like me, by the time I hit vacation time I am exhausted by all of the work that has to get done to get ready to be gone for an extended period of time. It's almost like we are crazed by the time vacation time rolls around. There also seems to be some lingering thing that sneaks in and keeps us from fully being away. It's the conference call, it's the report that needs to be written, it's the calls that have to be made, yada yada. It's like the anti-vacation forces are trying to keep us sucked back into the job. All of that wears us down and can make us more tired than we should be. We get weary and when we get weary we get cranky and when we get cranky our judgment gets lessened and our decision making falters. It is a slippery slope.

The same happens in our spiritual life and before long we have lost our disciplines of reading the Bible, praying and being in fellowship with other believers.. Regardless of the weariness of work or the weariness of life, we need to fall back onto God for the rest we so need. We fall back onto Matthew 11:28; "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest." As you head into the next vacation time, have no worries that God, if you let Him, will give you the rest that you need. All we have to do is call upon Him in our weariness and hand it over to Him.

Reference: Matthew 11:28 (New Living Testament)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

day 1015: Those Are The Rules

"Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live." 

Work is managed more through rules than we would even imagine, that is until we sit down and read all the through the policy and procedure book. No wonder some of the most creative people find ways to not go to work for big companies so that they aren't subject to the myriad of rules and regulations. Of course there must be some set of rules in order for any organization to function and operate, but I have always been a believer that in the rule category, less is more. If we fill a book up with policies to try and cover every imaginable situation then we are surely penalizing those that don't need to be penalized and we are creating statutes for the exceptions and that doesn't bode well for a philosophy of trusting those around us. The companies that do it the best, in my mind, are those who manage from a place of values and principles first and rules second, and only when there is no other way around it they put a rule in place. The first time we encounter rules in our lives are as children and each of them are put there to set boundaries to keep us safe and out of harms way. As we grow older we want less boundaries and we search for independence and freedoms.

The same can be said for how we work. Within each of our jobs we want as much autonomy and freedom as possible and rules tend only to get in the way. But, they are a way of work life and unless we are in a position to influence how the rules are written, we just have to live within them. King David had the right attitude as it came to rules and laws. He said to God in Psalm 119:44; "Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live." We may not always think that the rules and laws within our work are right, but seeking to understand so that we can live within them will help bring some sense to why and how to manage within them. Don't be a person who lets the rules get you down or cause your attitude to be affected because you don't like the ways things are managed. Do your best, to understand the "whys" behind the rules and then find your own way to work and live within them.

Reference: Psalm 119:144 (New Living Testament)

Monday, November 12, 2012

day 1014: #'s

"...Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

We were watching TV the other night and while in the middle of the show up on the screen comes a random watermark set of words with a # in front of them.  It was so blatant and obvious that it was kinda obnoxious.  The Producers were trying to create a meme on Twitter, but in my estimation, didn't do so well or elegantly.  Everyone wants to # something these days.  Put a # in front if it and let's see if we can make it popular. But, there is the other side that we need to watch too.  That is the what our consumer and customers might # about us. If you are in the airline industry you know how important this can be and they are a good industry for the rest of us to learn from and about. One set of seats that come unbolted and there will be hundreds of #'s created to then be managed against. We might not have this level of problem, but even a handful of people can create lots of noise. So, let's watch the # and be ready to proactively and defensively create and respond.

I have been thinking recently about what would be the words that I would # to describe my example to others? In an earlier time we would have just said what is our, example, description, reputation, brand, elevator pitch, etc. So, its the same with the #.  What is it that we would want to have #'d about us? What I would like to add to the question too is are we ready for the immediacy of what the # could be created?  What I mean by that is that with each word, action and behavior we are creating a # and others are also creating them about us right now.  The power of the # is one for us to think about today.  Right now, ask yourself, what are the 2-3 #'s that would summarize a week well-worked for the Kingdom? Write them down and then at the end of this week go back and take a look to see if they would still hold up on Friday like they did today?

Reference: 1 Timothy 4:12 (New Living Translation)

Friday, November 9, 2012

day 1013: Memes

"...Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

Having just come out of the political season, I learned much about memes.  I watched and participated in the creation of memes that went no where and a few that caught wind and became a part of the social media jetstream. But, it's not as easy as putting together a few words, sticking a hashtag on it and then getting a bunch of people to tweet or share it around.  There has to be much more thinking and consideration behind it before it will become something relevant.  Timing and personal adoption are two things that I learned are so important.  A thought before or after its' time goes no where.  A thought that others can't adopt and internalize also will be die before it gets going.  But, when the two come together, lightning gets caught in a bottle. Our internal and external messaging about our companies and organizations are the same.  Timing and personalization, if focused on intently can be the difference between a successful product launch and a failure. We should always be asking, what is the right time and what do we need to do to have people make this personal?  Get those two right, and there is no stopping.

What is our own personal meme that we are trying to create?  If someone had to sum it up today what would it be?  What we need to know and recognize is that God's timing for us right now and always.  He wants us to be living out His example today, tomorrow and ongoing.  So, there is no debate on whether or not we should wait.  Sometimes we might feel like we are not good enough or ready to live for Him.  This is the same thinking that keeps us from starting to exercise until we lose a little more weight.  Irrational, but how we as humans think. So, if timing should be clear, then how is that we make this thing of our lives being lived with purpose something that is personal to others?  This is where Paul gives us the power of our example.  This is in some ways is our most powerful tool for the Kingdom. Our meme for God is in our words, our actions, our love, our grace and yes, the purity that we can pursue. Memes are infectious and memes are powerful. You are a meme for God, if you want to be.

Reference: 1 Timothy 4:12 (New Living Translation)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

day 1012: Hard Fought and Long Fought

"...Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

Business is full of hard fought wins and losses.  Good standing and long sought consumer and customer acceptance and adoption is always long and hard fought. In some ways, if it comes too easy and feels like it fell in your lap then it may well be that it will be short-lived.  I think back to the first internet bubble and so many companies were in this category.  Names that this new generation has never heard of were the darlings of the Valley, the internet and the stock market.  They came and they went, partly because these were not teams of people who had have to fight hard to win.  There is a character that is built through long-suffering, long-hours, long-thinking, long-hours, etc.  There is also power in ensuring that people in our companies have these kinds of experiences.  We can't depend or expect to be able to be take on the biggest and toughest challenges if we are not battle tested.  Consider whether or not the thinsg that matter and are being focused on today in your business are the ones that have to be hard fought!  They are the ones that do truly matter.

The life we will live today as we work will be filled with choices to focus on those things that are either easy or need to be hard fought to achieve. Our purpose to bring glory to God in all we do is also one that is hard fought.  We know that there are no shortages of reasons to take the easy path and to let ourselves wander off but if we are live up to the challenge and calling given to us we have to fight hard and fight long to be the good examples for others. Today it could be as simple as the words that you say when in the heat of battle. Let's be sure that we are fighting the right fight and that we work as long and as hard at being the right example to others as we do anything else today!

Reference:  1 Timothy 4:12 (New Living Translation)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

day 1011: Ridicule

"And then they ridiculed Him"

Here in Silicon Valley, where I live, we get used to bold and broad statements when someone is pitching a new business or raising money.  These kinds of words get strung together all the time: Revolutionary, First, End-to-End, World-Class, Platform, Answer, etc.  And believe me, if you have ever sat in any of these demos or presentations you have heard them all used over and over.  Sometimes the claims can be so bold and so audacious that the entrepreneur will get ridiculed and heckled in front of the audience.  But, that is the way of innovation and doing something no one else has ever done before.  Many an innovator and inventor has been ridiculed only to later be praised for being able to see something that no one else could.  Being first brings out the hecklers and the naysayers.  Even inside of our businesses we ridicule new ideas and we are only lucky if that great mind sticks around with us after they have been shot down over and over.  The question we need to ask ourselves is, " Are we building and sustaining cultures that encourage the hecklers and those who ridicule first, or are we fighting against the trend and ensuring that great ideas, new thoughts, innovative ways, and sparks of creativity can come forward and be positively recognized?"

Jesus was not afraid of ridicule.  He ministered for three years and while we don't have an hour by hour account of His life (imagine how cool it would be if we did) we know enough that wherever He went there were those who followed Him to heckle and ridicule.  In the account of the healing of Jairus' daughter Talitha He was ridiculed for saying that Talitha was only sleeping and was not dead.  What I get from this is that Jesus was modeling for us that when we believe in something that we and others might not be able to see and we speak into these beliefs that we can expect, and should be ready,  to be ridiculed, or at the least challenged and scoffed upon.  It just comes with the territory.  So what to do today, when someone challenges us for defending the truth and the facts, or for standing up for someone else who is being demeaned or belittled, or for turning in early while everyone else goes out on the town?  Well, let's remember that this ridicule is so far less and below from what our Lord suffered that we can take it and live with it and know that He, the only One that truly matters, knows the choices that we made.

Reference: Mark 5:40 (New Living Testament)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

day 1010: Election

"But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light."

Today, like any election day, is an important day in our country.  Today we will choose the person, in this year, the man who will lead our government for four more years.  At the conclusion of this election either the incumbent will continue in office or there will be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power to a new President.  This predictable and accepted process is part of why we live in such a great county.  Elections can divide us philosophically because it a zero-sum, black and white choices that tend to divide. But let us pray that the division is melded back together at the end of this day into what we all should respect and admire, which this Republic for which it stands.  Please exercise today the most foundational of all citizen rights we are given and that is to vote. For our democracy to survive and thrive the people must be represented and heard.  This is our day to be heard.

Putting elections and politics in perspective with the Kingdom of God is not always easy and when left to our human interpretations it can also become divisive.  But, one thing is for sure, that God tells us that we are to respect our leaders and to not let any of this get in the way of forwarding His Kingdom.  So, at the end of  today, it's pretty sure that nearly 1/2 of our country will not be happy, but let's not let that get in the way of reminding ourselves that as royal priests of His holy nation that we are called to act in His light and be a standard bearer for His grace and love.  Let us also thank Him today that we don't have to campaign for His salvation.  The acceptance of His gift is all that we need to do.  

Reference: 1 Peter 2:9 (New Living Translation)


Monday, November 5, 2012

day 1009: Choice Overload

"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve."

Could it be that we just now have too many choices and that is part of what is making it so hard to do business?  If you are a retailer that certainly is the case these days. Not only are you today up against the choices that consumers have from multiple local retailers who might be all within walking or short driving distance, you also are competing with online retailers from all around the world who have found their way into your consumer's homes.  Choice can make competing harder.  Not only is that true on the demand side, but it is also true on the supply end. If you are up against others whose offering is much broader and extensive then you have no choice but to respond. I am sure that Henry Ford would have loved to have gone on forever making just black cars, but that wasn't going to happen as others saw the opening to offer more choice.  The balancing of how much choice to offer is hard.  What we do know is that being the best at what is offered is key and that we need to ensure that whatever the consumer is choosing they know that from us they get the best, quality or the greatest value, or the best service, etc. Choice is not going to go away and we have to learn to adapt and embrace the choices that get made.

One thing we know that God will never do is force us to choose to serve Him. That is all our choice and one that we have to make daily.  Sometimes it can feel like we are in a huge mall and that one store at one end of the mall is God and that the devil has all these other stores for us to shop, enjoy, browse and partake.  It's a scary thought but it is what it is and we have to actively decide where we are going to "shop" and "purchase".  Today, there will be plenty of storefronts that are going to entice you to come inside.  It might not feel that bad to take a peek in, but as great retailers do, once they see that you are thinking about making a choice with them, they will market and sell to you until you buy.  Our work days are full of these choices.  Where will you choose today?

Reference:  Joshua 24:15 (NKJV)

Friday, November 2, 2012

day 1008: Bad Comes Easily

"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve."

Ever notice how hard the work is to make something good happen but how easily the bad things happen?  Nowhere in business is this probably more true than in the efforts to achieve great quality.  To make it perfect each and every time is really hard work, but with just the slightest slip, miss, or imperfection the whole quality thing goes right out the door. Sometimes, it is just as simple as being on time.  A few weeks ago I was waiting for a company that was coming to the house to do some installation work.  The day before they confirmed the time they would be there. This was good. the next day, after a half hour of waiting past the appointed time, I emailed, to ask where they were?  This was bad. I got an immediate response that they were getting ready to pull in my driveway. That was funny as I was standing in my driveway waiting for them.  15 minutes later they arrived.  This was bad. Now, my afternoon was shot and I was pushing back and cancelling other things (messing up other people) and worse, they were so behind that they were going to make up the time in my appointment and they visibly rushed to the point that I wondered if they were being thorough or not.  That is the way of good turning to bad; it is hard and takes discipline and commitment to be consistently good.  But, bad comes easily so we have to work just as hard to protect ourselves from making that one slip that can ruin or damage the reputation of the company and ourselves.

Our spiritual life can feel the same. Is it not easy to live the life that Jesus asked us to live.  He said it Himself multiple times.  And on the other side, it seems so easy to live the life that is the opposite. What it comes down to is that this life of following Jesus is an active one.  We cannot be passive and expect that we will stay in the good.  God gave us the power of choice and the price of that choice is that we have to want and actively pursue it.  Don't get me wrong, we don't work for our salvation. It is without doubt a gift.  But like on Christmas morning as kids we didn't lie in bed in the morning and wait for the gifts to come to us, we sprinted to the Christmas tree to see what was there. It was our great President Abraham Lincoln who said, "People do what they want to do."  That is our choice today.  To work hard for the good or let the bad come to us easily.

Reference: Joshua 24:15 (NKJV)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

day 1007: 110%

"Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress"

"She gave it 110%!" 

We love to put "110%" out there as the number that signifies that someone gave it their all.  I don't think it is physically possible to actually give 110% of yourself but that notwithstanding 100% of us would probably agree that if we are going to have our organizations achieving what we need to, that we need a large majority of the company who are willing to give 100% of themselves to the job at hand. No business or organization steps back and builds their products and work based on people giving 50% effort or some other low percentage.  We need the all of people to make significant and important strides forward.  The world we work in now is just too competitive for that not to happen. There are a number of major, well-known companies who are faltering today because their people are losing hope in the direction and leadership of the company and as such, I know they are not getting 100% because the market is flooded with the resumes of their employees.  It's a worthwhile exercise to sit and make a list of the people on your team and put a % next to their names as to how much you think they are "giving" of themselves to their jobs.  If you are honest and you have people who end up with %'s that are less than 80%, then it's time to take stock of what you need to do identify the problem and bring them back up in their contribution level. If you can't, then you run the risk of losing them all together.

As ones who are working daily to bring glory to God in all that we do (our purpose), we just can't afford to not give that effort 100%.  Paul tells Timothy to "throw" himself into his tasks.  We need to be willing to throw ourselves into God's will and way for us.  Read the second part Paul's statement for the result; " that everyone will see your progress".  The world is watching, evaluating and always monitoring our progress.  We may not think this happening, but it is, all around us, all the time. Today, take note and put your own % next to your name as to how much are you giving of yourself to the Kingdom.

Reference: 1 Timothy 4:15 (New Living Translation)