It's a common phrase to hear someone say, "I am working myself to
death". There was a time that in the United States, and still in other
places around the world, that the phrase could be more of a statement of
fact versus just a phrase to exaggerate how hard one is working in
their job. Today, there are still people who work too much and too hard
to the point of physical distress and danger, but for the most part we
don't put our lives at risk or die because of our physical or mental
exertion at work. Before I go further, I do give great admiration to
those who go beyond work to serve us and our country for security,
protection, rescue and war. They do in fact put their lives on the line
each day and to them we should each be extraordinarily grateful.
in totality, for most of us to make the statement that we are being
"worked to death", is vastly overstated. It is a mindset and an attitude
that can come across as very self-centered and overly emotionally
based. It can also drag other people down around us. When we feel this
way and before we express this emotion we should stop and remember that
no matter how bad we have it that there was One who went before us who
really did work Himself to His death. He knew that this was His purpose
and He did it for us. Before Easter, let's read together Phil Keaggy's
lyrics from the song "Maker of the Universe" and reflect on the
commitment and love that was given for us. Think about what it truly
means for one who was so precious to have truly worked Himself to death.
"The Maker of the universe,
As Man for man was made a curse.
The claims of Law which He had made,
Unto the uttermost He paid.
His holy fingers made the bough,
Which grew the thorns that crowned His brow.
The nails that pierced His hands were mined
In secret places He designed.
He made the forest whence there sprung
The tree on which His body hung.
He died upon a cross of wood,
Yet made the hill on which it stood.
The sky that darkened o'er His head,
By Him above the earth was spread.
The sun that hid from Him it's face
By His decree was poised in space.
The spear which spilled His precious blood
Was tempered in the fires of God.
The grave in which His form was laid
Was hewn in rocks His hands had made.
The throne on which He now appears
Was His for everlasting years.
But a new glory crowns His brow
And every knee to Him shall bow."
May we each take time tomorrow on Good Friday to remember and reflect on Jesus and then have a blessed celebration on Easter for the One who died and then rose!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
day 1104: Finishing
"I brought glory to You here on earth by completing the work You gave me to do."
I have found in work that the two times that take the most time and that we spend an inordinate amount of time on, is trying to get things started and trying to get things finished. Both are so important and both have huge amounts of friction points that want to keep starting and finishing from happening. I admire starters. These are people who take initiative and are not fearful of their ideas and efforts being ridiculed. But, I admire finishers even more. Maybe it is the distance runner in me but really everyone can get to the starting line with the least amount of commitment and effort. But, to get through the starting line and to the finish, well, that is a different story all together. How many ideas have we seen get started and never finished? More than any of us would want to count or admit. I learned early in my naive and over-zealous days that an idea that is started and never finished was probably better left not ever started. Think about and decide what we are going to finish, before we ever start, and we will all be better business people and serve our companies well.
Jesus said to God His Father that the glory He brought to God was through the completion of the work He was assigned to do. Jesus shows us the power of finishing. In his last words on the cross, he declared the finish line. From His sacrifice for each of us, how can we not finish what is given to us and finish well? God wants us to bring Him glory with what we have been given. He expects completion. He expects for us to be there at the finish line. When we think we can't make it, rest in His assurance that the finish matters and that He wants to take us there. In the middle of this Easter week, let's remember and consider that God finished well for us so that we could start a new life with Him.
Reference: John 17:4 (New Living Translation)
I have found in work that the two times that take the most time and that we spend an inordinate amount of time on, is trying to get things started and trying to get things finished. Both are so important and both have huge amounts of friction points that want to keep starting and finishing from happening. I admire starters. These are people who take initiative and are not fearful of their ideas and efforts being ridiculed. But, I admire finishers even more. Maybe it is the distance runner in me but really everyone can get to the starting line with the least amount of commitment and effort. But, to get through the starting line and to the finish, well, that is a different story all together. How many ideas have we seen get started and never finished? More than any of us would want to count or admit. I learned early in my naive and over-zealous days that an idea that is started and never finished was probably better left not ever started. Think about and decide what we are going to finish, before we ever start, and we will all be better business people and serve our companies well.
Jesus said to God His Father that the glory He brought to God was through the completion of the work He was assigned to do. Jesus shows us the power of finishing. In his last words on the cross, he declared the finish line. From His sacrifice for each of us, how can we not finish what is given to us and finish well? God wants us to bring Him glory with what we have been given. He expects completion. He expects for us to be there at the finish line. When we think we can't make it, rest in His assurance that the finish matters and that He wants to take us there. In the middle of this Easter week, let's remember and consider that God finished well for us so that we could start a new life with Him.
Reference: John 17:4 (New Living Translation)
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
day 1103: Cause Marketing
"Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
Cause Marketing is a bit of a buzz word these days. We don't have to look far to see major brands who have associated their companies and products to causes that are good and serve the world well. They work, that is why they do this. People are moved by causes that they feel like must be fixed or corrected and when it becomes personal to them, they have a positive reaction to the brands that are also doing their part to assist. We shouldn't do cause marketing unless we truly believe in that cause, but if there is a belief and energy inside the company to make a difference, then don't hold back. The world needs more of us who can make a difference and give of ourselves, so if you have the influence then use that influence to the greatest multiplier. Your consumers and customers will appreciate the associations and you will be doing good and well!
We are only a few days from Easter and we can only imagine in our minds what this week was like for Jesus. He knew that the end was nearing and each day the pressure was mounting around Him. There has never been a more impacting event on this earth and both heaven and hell had to be watching to see how all would unfold. What we know is that Jesus told Pilate that He was born for this cause, for this reason, for this event. If we knew for what moment we were born as our cause, what would we do with that knowledge? I suspect most of us would spend our lives trying to change the outcome or become paralyzed with fear from the destiny that would be approaching. Jesus did neither. He carried through and carried the cross for each of us. As we go from today to Easter, let's do so with a heart of openness as we live through the example of sacrifice and the life-giving that our Lord died to give us as His cause. May we each make Him today and forever our cause!
Reference: John 18:37 (New Living Translation)
Cause Marketing is a bit of a buzz word these days. We don't have to look far to see major brands who have associated their companies and products to causes that are good and serve the world well. They work, that is why they do this. People are moved by causes that they feel like must be fixed or corrected and when it becomes personal to them, they have a positive reaction to the brands that are also doing their part to assist. We shouldn't do cause marketing unless we truly believe in that cause, but if there is a belief and energy inside the company to make a difference, then don't hold back. The world needs more of us who can make a difference and give of ourselves, so if you have the influence then use that influence to the greatest multiplier. Your consumers and customers will appreciate the associations and you will be doing good and well!
We are only a few days from Easter and we can only imagine in our minds what this week was like for Jesus. He knew that the end was nearing and each day the pressure was mounting around Him. There has never been a more impacting event on this earth and both heaven and hell had to be watching to see how all would unfold. What we know is that Jesus told Pilate that He was born for this cause, for this reason, for this event. If we knew for what moment we were born as our cause, what would we do with that knowledge? I suspect most of us would spend our lives trying to change the outcome or become paralyzed with fear from the destiny that would be approaching. Jesus did neither. He carried through and carried the cross for each of us. As we go from today to Easter, let's do so with a heart of openness as we live through the example of sacrifice and the life-giving that our Lord died to give us as His cause. May we each make Him today and forever our cause!
Reference: John 18:37 (New Living Translation)
cause marketing,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff
Monday, March 25, 2013
day 1102: E for Effort
"The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoke to you are spirit and life"
There is a long-standing debate over whether the old saying is "E for effort" or "A for effort". It is true that at one time many schools did not have an "F", but instead an "E' would be the next grade down after "D". This is a long standing debate and was even a title of a 1947 movie, "E for Effort" (it was science fiction). But the adage probably originated before that in the 1930's and by the 1960's it became formal. See this about the "U.S. President's E Award":
This award is one of the most prestigious export achievement honors conferred on US. companies. Created in 1961 by executive order of President John F. Kennedy, it was designed to give special recognition to those few outstanding companies and individuals who excelled in their effort to increase United States exports. The "E" Award, which stands for Excellence, Expansion, Effort and Exports, has, over the past three decades, come to symbolize the finest in American commerce and stands as a reminder of the ever increasing importance and value of participation in the global marketplace. It was modeled after a World War II method of recognizing production plants for patriotism called "E Pennants."
So, we can get an "E for effort" and just maybe we should be giving more of them out to our "E-mployees". Recognizing efforts that are on a positive trajectory to a desired result is just smart leadership and business. Why do so many of us want to ignore these efforts and milestones that are achieved along the way and only wait for recognition until the end? There is power in recognition and effort is what employees are putting out on their way to the end result, so why not recognize it along the way.
God tells us that no matter how hard we try, there are certain things that human effort cannot accomplish. Salvation is one of those. We can't earn our way to eternal life with God, we can only accept the gift that He has given us and then use that gift each and every day in our lives. Allowing ourselves to receive, believe and follow is the only effort we need to make. Today, there will be plenty of human tasks and results that must be toiled over to be achieved. It is right to do these well and meet the objectives put in front of us in our work. But, let's remember that the talents and opportunities that are before us come from God and that we need to reach daily for His Word and Spirit to guide and lead us through each day. It is then that our efforts can show up for Him and He promises to deliver a life that is full and abundant according to our needs. What a promise for us to start this week knowing!
Reference: John 6:63 (New Living Translation)
There is a long-standing debate over whether the old saying is "E for effort" or "A for effort". It is true that at one time many schools did not have an "F", but instead an "E' would be the next grade down after "D". This is a long standing debate and was even a title of a 1947 movie, "E for Effort" (it was science fiction). But the adage probably originated before that in the 1930's and by the 1960's it became formal. See this about the "U.S. President's E Award":
This award is one of the most prestigious export achievement honors conferred on US. companies. Created in 1961 by executive order of President John F. Kennedy, it was designed to give special recognition to those few outstanding companies and individuals who excelled in their effort to increase United States exports. The "E" Award, which stands for Excellence, Expansion, Effort and Exports, has, over the past three decades, come to symbolize the finest in American commerce and stands as a reminder of the ever increasing importance and value of participation in the global marketplace. It was modeled after a World War II method of recognizing production plants for patriotism called "E Pennants."
So, we can get an "E for effort" and just maybe we should be giving more of them out to our "E-mployees". Recognizing efforts that are on a positive trajectory to a desired result is just smart leadership and business. Why do so many of us want to ignore these efforts and milestones that are achieved along the way and only wait for recognition until the end? There is power in recognition and effort is what employees are putting out on their way to the end result, so why not recognize it along the way.
God tells us that no matter how hard we try, there are certain things that human effort cannot accomplish. Salvation is one of those. We can't earn our way to eternal life with God, we can only accept the gift that He has given us and then use that gift each and every day in our lives. Allowing ourselves to receive, believe and follow is the only effort we need to make. Today, there will be plenty of human tasks and results that must be toiled over to be achieved. It is right to do these well and meet the objectives put in front of us in our work. But, let's remember that the talents and opportunities that are before us come from God and that we need to reach daily for His Word and Spirit to guide and lead us through each day. It is then that our efforts can show up for Him and He promises to deliver a life that is full and abundant according to our needs. What a promise for us to start this week knowing!
Reference: John 6:63 (New Living Translation)
Friday, March 22, 2013
day 1101: Replication Difficulties
"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong with our lives".
Don't we wish that we could take something that is great and replicate it to the same standards, quality and acceptance? Many have tried and have failed doing so, because there is something just inherently not the same but no one can quite put a finger on what it is. Sometimes it is the user interface. Other times it is the design. Sometimes it is the external influences that have changed and make something that was once cool, not so cool anymore. I think about what seems to be the continuous redesigns of the RIM Blackberry and every single new phone comes up the same, missing the mark. For the past few weekends I have been watching The History Channel's presentation of "The Bible". While the source content, of course is great, the movie presentation has not been as positively accepted. Somethings are just hard to replicate and God's Word is certainly one of those. As we look to our next product redesign or service enhancement, if we are looking to replicate what someone else has done so successfully that it seems like a no-brainer for us to be able to do so as well, then be sure to stop and think deeper before taking the dive. There is likely more than meets the eye that needs to be explored and understood before success is guaranteed.
I'm not sure why we aren't able to recreate God's Word into other movie or television forms that are credible to the masses and become soul-winning adaptations. We are able to do it well with live re-creations. It works in song. It can work in painting. It works with audio recordings. But something falls short when we go behind a camera. Something is lost in the moving visuals that removes the emotion, sincerity and authenticity. Maybe it is because, like we as believers also experience, all people hold God's Word to a higher standard? Sometimes that happens because they don't want to believe and they want these works to fail, but I think that other times it is because we expect that the inspired words of God come with an ability to reach in and touch our souls. I applaud Mark Burnett and his wife and The History Channel for their re-creation. Each of us who are believers had our own personal game upped with their presentation. Regardless of their take, every viewer will look to us for our own personal example and how we are either living into or away from God's Word. Replication of the love, grace, mercy, compassion and consistency of our Lord is not easy, but this what we are here to do. Today, we are called. Today, will we answer that call?
Reference: 2 Timothy 3:16 (New Living Translation)
Don't we wish that we could take something that is great and replicate it to the same standards, quality and acceptance? Many have tried and have failed doing so, because there is something just inherently not the same but no one can quite put a finger on what it is. Sometimes it is the user interface. Other times it is the design. Sometimes it is the external influences that have changed and make something that was once cool, not so cool anymore. I think about what seems to be the continuous redesigns of the RIM Blackberry and every single new phone comes up the same, missing the mark. For the past few weekends I have been watching The History Channel's presentation of "The Bible". While the source content, of course is great, the movie presentation has not been as positively accepted. Somethings are just hard to replicate and God's Word is certainly one of those. As we look to our next product redesign or service enhancement, if we are looking to replicate what someone else has done so successfully that it seems like a no-brainer for us to be able to do so as well, then be sure to stop and think deeper before taking the dive. There is likely more than meets the eye that needs to be explored and understood before success is guaranteed.
I'm not sure why we aren't able to recreate God's Word into other movie or television forms that are credible to the masses and become soul-winning adaptations. We are able to do it well with live re-creations. It works in song. It can work in painting. It works with audio recordings. But something falls short when we go behind a camera. Something is lost in the moving visuals that removes the emotion, sincerity and authenticity. Maybe it is because, like we as believers also experience, all people hold God's Word to a higher standard? Sometimes that happens because they don't want to believe and they want these works to fail, but I think that other times it is because we expect that the inspired words of God come with an ability to reach in and touch our souls. I applaud Mark Burnett and his wife and The History Channel for their re-creation. Each of us who are believers had our own personal game upped with their presentation. Regardless of their take, every viewer will look to us for our own personal example and how we are either living into or away from God's Word. Replication of the love, grace, mercy, compassion and consistency of our Lord is not easy, but this what we are here to do. Today, we are called. Today, will we answer that call?
Reference: 2 Timothy 3:16 (New Living Translation)
Thursday, March 21, 2013
day 1100: Where You Sit Is Where You Stand
"But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken."
There has been even more talk about Yahoo!'s decision to remove telecommuting from their benefits for workers. BestBuy followed suit last week with the removal of their flexible work program called "ROWE" (Results-Only-Work-Environment). I remember back in 2005 when they introduced this program. It was designed by two employees and it became a very positive PR and recruiting tool for the company. The program was written up in every business magazine and was received very positively for BestBuy's forward thinking and innovation in the workplace. Now, less than 10 years later, the new CEO is debunking the whole program and calling it a "failure". All of the accolades are being refuted by new management, once again proving that where you sit is where you stand. Now that BestBuy does not sit in the seat of success, they are looking inwardly to change. I didn't have any problem with Yahoo!'s decision to bring back the telecommuters, but I will say that BestBuy's declaration that a set of leadership principles that allowed people to focus on results and productivity and hanging that out as the problem with the company, might be stretching it a little too far. We have to be careful in how we conceive and deploy broad-based leadership and work programs as indeed times and needs do change, but it's never good to be caught looking like you are going from guardrail to guardrail for each of these changes can bring a loss of credibility for leaders and for the next program.
We can rest assured as believers that God's plans will never change. That is one thing we never have to worry about. He sits and stands in the same place today as He has forever and all He is asking for us to do is to stand with Him. Are we standing with Him today or are we sitting someplace else that is causing us to change our stance? As we go to work today and do all we can to bring glory to Him, let's consider where we are sitting and standing. If we don't like either or both, then let's use today to start making the necessary changes. He will guide us and lead us to the right places if we only lean on and ask Him to be there with us.
Reference: Psalm 33:11 (New Living Translation)
There has been even more talk about Yahoo!'s decision to remove telecommuting from their benefits for workers. BestBuy followed suit last week with the removal of their flexible work program called "ROWE" (Results-Only-Work-Environment). I remember back in 2005 when they introduced this program. It was designed by two employees and it became a very positive PR and recruiting tool for the company. The program was written up in every business magazine and was received very positively for BestBuy's forward thinking and innovation in the workplace. Now, less than 10 years later, the new CEO is debunking the whole program and calling it a "failure". All of the accolades are being refuted by new management, once again proving that where you sit is where you stand. Now that BestBuy does not sit in the seat of success, they are looking inwardly to change. I didn't have any problem with Yahoo!'s decision to bring back the telecommuters, but I will say that BestBuy's declaration that a set of leadership principles that allowed people to focus on results and productivity and hanging that out as the problem with the company, might be stretching it a little too far. We have to be careful in how we conceive and deploy broad-based leadership and work programs as indeed times and needs do change, but it's never good to be caught looking like you are going from guardrail to guardrail for each of these changes can bring a loss of credibility for leaders and for the next program.
We can rest assured as believers that God's plans will never change. That is one thing we never have to worry about. He sits and stands in the same place today as He has forever and all He is asking for us to do is to stand with Him. Are we standing with Him today or are we sitting someplace else that is causing us to change our stance? As we go to work today and do all we can to bring glory to Him, let's consider where we are sitting and standing. If we don't like either or both, then let's use today to start making the necessary changes. He will guide us and lead us to the right places if we only lean on and ask Him to be there with us.
Reference: Psalm 33:11 (New Living Translation)
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
day 1099: Emoji Stickers
"No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us."
We started with a condensed set of letter and characters that would add on an expression of our feelings to our words. Even though the typewriter was able to give us an :) we didn't really adopt these until the age of text messaging when we were either limited by characters because of cost or space. We became familiar with LOLs. Today, even the oldest of texters know what a handful of these mean and they use them to add on or clarify their expressions. But, now we are going even further. There are apps that we can get entire catalogues of emoticon and animated GIFs. I've even started to see companies add these into their advertising. What we use these symbols and images to do is to expand our expression and to bring the message home even clearer. Long before the digital age we knew that a picture was worth a 1000 words. Nothing has changed while everything has changed. How we stay on top of this is important in how we relate to those who are communicating and expressing in different ways than words.
As I was thinking about this topic, I was reminded that in the Old Testament, when we expressed ourselves to God it came with requirements of actions and sacrifice with many forms of that expression. In many cases, God and His prophets were very specific with what those expressions were to be. God was asking us to go beyond our words and what was inside of our minds. We were to make outward expressions of our commitment to Him. When Jesus came for us, God said that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and He didn't require or ask for those same type of expressions but He instead delivered God's love and the Holy Spirit into us for us to be the expressions for Him. We are like God's emoji stickers, each day bringing to life His love and grace to others. In a way we are translating God's language and expression to others through our lives and examples. Each day we live it out and then others copy us and take it further. That is, as you know, a big responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly. If we were to take stock of what kind of "stickers" we are being for God today, are we sure that we would want them being spread around? Let's stop and think about it today.
Reference: 1 John 4:12 (New Living Translation)
We started with a condensed set of letter and characters that would add on an expression of our feelings to our words. Even though the typewriter was able to give us an :) we didn't really adopt these until the age of text messaging when we were either limited by characters because of cost or space. We became familiar with LOLs. Today, even the oldest of texters know what a handful of these mean and they use them to add on or clarify their expressions. But, now we are going even further. There are apps that we can get entire catalogues of emoticon and animated GIFs. I've even started to see companies add these into their advertising. What we use these symbols and images to do is to expand our expression and to bring the message home even clearer. Long before the digital age we knew that a picture was worth a 1000 words. Nothing has changed while everything has changed. How we stay on top of this is important in how we relate to those who are communicating and expressing in different ways than words.
As I was thinking about this topic, I was reminded that in the Old Testament, when we expressed ourselves to God it came with requirements of actions and sacrifice with many forms of that expression. In many cases, God and His prophets were very specific with what those expressions were to be. God was asking us to go beyond our words and what was inside of our minds. We were to make outward expressions of our commitment to Him. When Jesus came for us, God said that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and He didn't require or ask for those same type of expressions but He instead delivered God's love and the Holy Spirit into us for us to be the expressions for Him. We are like God's emoji stickers, each day bringing to life His love and grace to others. In a way we are translating God's language and expression to others through our lives and examples. Each day we live it out and then others copy us and take it further. That is, as you know, a big responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly. If we were to take stock of what kind of "stickers" we are being for God today, are we sure that we would want them being spread around? Let's stop and think about it today.
Reference: 1 John 4:12 (New Living Translation)
1 John,
emoji stickers,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
day 1098: Trappings of Success
"What is your charge against this man?"
When we are successful we can get caught in taking ourselves too seriously. When this happens we can find ourselves acting out as we would be expected in someone in a position such as ours. We can start to dress like we think we should. We can start to hang with people that others want us to hang and who we think help support our position of success. We can start to go to meetings, conferences, places that benefit our persona/brand more than give us growth or really mean anything to us. We can start to take on the language of those like us and what we are expected. If we are not careful, we can trapped by success and before long we are making decisions and moves that are those that are expected, instead of what we think are right or should be happening. This doesn't just happen with individuals. Companies can also fall into the trappings of success and find themselves not innovating or resisting change and compromise because of their position of success. Watch out, the trappings of success are subtle but very real and very, very dangerous. Once trapped, it is very hard to escape.
We are nearing Easter weekend and all around the world churches are teaching the Easter account and the lessons that we can take from the events that occurred in the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. Our church in San Francisco, Cornerstone is doing the same. The last two weeks we have we looked at the decision of Pilate and it was clear that he was a man who was trapped in his own success and when his final decision was to be made, He was so much a caricature of his position that for him to have gone against the request of the people would have been out of character and unseemly for one in his position. We can learn something about ourselves in the actions of Pilate. Have we ever been in the position where we wanted to stop and help someone else or go against the decision of the group but we haven't because we are trapped into our own success and to to do something unexpected would put continued success at risk? Sure we have. Now the question needs to be - will we stay trapped or will we rescue ourselves from this going further? Consider today and as we get closer to Easter what trappings need to be shed?
Reference: John 18:29 (New Living Translation)
When we are successful we can get caught in taking ourselves too seriously. When this happens we can find ourselves acting out as we would be expected in someone in a position such as ours. We can start to dress like we think we should. We can start to hang with people that others want us to hang and who we think help support our position of success. We can start to go to meetings, conferences, places that benefit our persona/brand more than give us growth or really mean anything to us. We can start to take on the language of those like us and what we are expected. If we are not careful, we can trapped by success and before long we are making decisions and moves that are those that are expected, instead of what we think are right or should be happening. This doesn't just happen with individuals. Companies can also fall into the trappings of success and find themselves not innovating or resisting change and compromise because of their position of success. Watch out, the trappings of success are subtle but very real and very, very dangerous. Once trapped, it is very hard to escape.
We are nearing Easter weekend and all around the world churches are teaching the Easter account and the lessons that we can take from the events that occurred in the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. Our church in San Francisco, Cornerstone is doing the same. The last two weeks we have we looked at the decision of Pilate and it was clear that he was a man who was trapped in his own success and when his final decision was to be made, He was so much a caricature of his position that for him to have gone against the request of the people would have been out of character and unseemly for one in his position. We can learn something about ourselves in the actions of Pilate. Have we ever been in the position where we wanted to stop and help someone else or go against the decision of the group but we haven't because we are trapped into our own success and to to do something unexpected would put continued success at risk? Sure we have. Now the question needs to be - will we stay trapped or will we rescue ourselves from this going further? Consider today and as we get closer to Easter what trappings need to be shed?
Reference: John 18:29 (New Living Translation)
Monday, March 18, 2013
day 1097: A Different Path
"Come close to God, and God will come close to you"
We are now in the age of big social media. It was not that long ago that we could have wondered what would survive and what would flourish but today it's pretty much Facebook's game to lose when it comes to large and broad social networking. Sure, Google+ has come on, but if we are honest, Facebook is still growing and continuing to adapt to gain more share and retain their current users. There was a moment a year or so ago when I thought they might be losing it, but with recent moves, I feel like they are coming on strong again. Of course, their dominance leaves room for different types of social networks. I am a fan of for private messaging among closer friends and family. While Facebook can allow me to control my groups, as can Google+ with circles, with Path there is an intimacy and connection that we can have that just isn't possible elsewhere. This is what happens with our businesses, if we can find the "different path" that people want to take and open up that path to them, they will go there. So, as we think of where to position and pivot our businesses, consider the path that has yet to be taken and that the other guys are leaving for us to clear.
There are many ways to think about the "different path" that we are on as believers. With every turn the world is trying to keep us off of this path and have us return to the one that everyone walks. But, like, God is looking for us to engage with Him intimately and share all safely and securely with Him. This is the path we are to be on! Work is one of the great detractors and distractions from us staying on God's pathway. As we start this week, let's be intentional about staying on the path that God desires for us. He promises in James if we come close, He will be close. So, no straying this week!
Reference: James 4:8 (New Living Translation)
We are now in the age of big social media. It was not that long ago that we could have wondered what would survive and what would flourish but today it's pretty much Facebook's game to lose when it comes to large and broad social networking. Sure, Google+ has come on, but if we are honest, Facebook is still growing and continuing to adapt to gain more share and retain their current users. There was a moment a year or so ago when I thought they might be losing it, but with recent moves, I feel like they are coming on strong again. Of course, their dominance leaves room for different types of social networks. I am a fan of for private messaging among closer friends and family. While Facebook can allow me to control my groups, as can Google+ with circles, with Path there is an intimacy and connection that we can have that just isn't possible elsewhere. This is what happens with our businesses, if we can find the "different path" that people want to take and open up that path to them, they will go there. So, as we think of where to position and pivot our businesses, consider the path that has yet to be taken and that the other guys are leaving for us to clear.
There are many ways to think about the "different path" that we are on as believers. With every turn the world is trying to keep us off of this path and have us return to the one that everyone walks. But, like, God is looking for us to engage with Him intimately and share all safely and securely with Him. This is the path we are to be on! Work is one of the great detractors and distractions from us staying on God's pathway. As we start this week, let's be intentional about staying on the path that God desires for us. He promises in James if we come close, He will be close. So, no straying this week!
Reference: James 4:8 (New Living Translation)
dave morin,
google +,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff
Friday, March 15, 2013
day 1096: A Cry For Consistency
"Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees!"
We all try to be good and to get to be better and better. Well, let's hope that we all are trying to do this. But, even as important, or maybe even more importantly, we need to be very consistent in the delivery of our product, service or anything that we do. In fact, we can be really good at what we do, but if we are inconsistent, then all that good goes out the window. Conversely, we can sometimes be mediocre but because we are consistent, our customers and consumers give us a break and that consistency becomes something they can depend upon. Think about what McDonald's built from consistency. Are all of their products the best quality, taste, or cost? Probably not. But, no matter what restaurant you enter in the U.S. and in most places in the world, the products will indeed taste the same with consistent service and offerings. We can learn something from those companies whose hallmark is consistency.
I was struck by this quote about consistency:
When I read it I felt like it was written for me. God gives us daily the opportunity to be consistent in our testimony and example for Him. But, just as like a company can lose ground with inconsistency, so can we. People are drawn to others who display a consistent behavior, action and language pattern. As we know, there is comfort in predictability and to best care for and serve others, we must be accepted and display a certain amount of comfort with others. As the quote says, each day we get to recreate and continue our consistency. As we finish this week, what is it that we are doing to stay consistent in who we are?
Reference: Psalm 119:5 (New Living Translation)
We all try to be good and to get to be better and better. Well, let's hope that we all are trying to do this. But, even as important, or maybe even more importantly, we need to be very consistent in the delivery of our product, service or anything that we do. In fact, we can be really good at what we do, but if we are inconsistent, then all that good goes out the window. Conversely, we can sometimes be mediocre but because we are consistent, our customers and consumers give us a break and that consistency becomes something they can depend upon. Think about what McDonald's built from consistency. Are all of their products the best quality, taste, or cost? Probably not. But, no matter what restaurant you enter in the U.S. and in most places in the world, the products will indeed taste the same with consistent service and offerings. We can learn something from those companies whose hallmark is consistency.
I was struck by this quote about consistency:
When I read it I felt like it was written for me. God gives us daily the opportunity to be consistent in our testimony and example for Him. But, just as like a company can lose ground with inconsistency, so can we. People are drawn to others who display a consistent behavior, action and language pattern. As we know, there is comfort in predictability and to best care for and serve others, we must be accepted and display a certain amount of comfort with others. As the quote says, each day we get to recreate and continue our consistency. As we finish this week, what is it that we are doing to stay consistent in who we are?
Reference: Psalm 119:5 (New Living Translation)
Purposed Working,
richard scott,
rusty rueff
Thursday, March 14, 2013
day 1095: The Day of Pi
“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.”
Today is March 14, or 3.14, which happens to be the first three digit of Pi. Matthew Hutson recently wrote a sidebar article in Wired Magazine that tells a few "SmartThings about Pi"; "Pi contains everything. Pi is non-repeating and also thought to be 'normal' - that is, 0, through 9 seem to occur in equal proportion among its digits. If that's true, any series of digits can be found somewhere in pi; since it's infinite, they'll eventually show up by chance alone. Convert Lord of the Rings or the entire Simpsons oeuvre into a code and look at the raw numerals. They'll appear in Pi, in that order somewhere". What does this tell us? Well for one, there always is a rhyme and reason for everything and that in our businesses we should look for the patterns that can be recognized and either positively duplicated or actively revised to make better. Nothing is by chance and if we are engaged and paying attention we will see that these patterns are there for us.
Oh by the way, Albert Einstein's birthday is Pi Day. He was born on March 14, 1879. A smart day for him to be born. :)
If Pi contains everything and God created everything including the recognition and definition of Pi, then we can today on Pi Day, praise our God for the world of everything that He created for us and for the patterns that can depend on that we use to mark time, seasons and recognize change. We can also praise and thank Him for being even greater and giving us more than the day or life of Pi (pun intended), by proving to us each day that He is awesome, great, and infinite in His love and grace given to us. I like to every now and then look to the stars and reflect on all that He has created and all that He has given me in the midst of everything else. He is a magnificent and tremendous God! On this day of Pi, what pattern will you recreate or create that will be sure and bring ultimate glory to God?
Reference: Revelation 1:8 (New Living Translation0
Today is March 14, or 3.14, which happens to be the first three digit of Pi. Matthew Hutson recently wrote a sidebar article in Wired Magazine that tells a few "SmartThings about Pi"; "Pi contains everything. Pi is non-repeating and also thought to be 'normal' - that is, 0, through 9 seem to occur in equal proportion among its digits. If that's true, any series of digits can be found somewhere in pi; since it's infinite, they'll eventually show up by chance alone. Convert Lord of the Rings or the entire Simpsons oeuvre into a code and look at the raw numerals. They'll appear in Pi, in that order somewhere". What does this tell us? Well for one, there always is a rhyme and reason for everything and that in our businesses we should look for the patterns that can be recognized and either positively duplicated or actively revised to make better. Nothing is by chance and if we are engaged and paying attention we will see that these patterns are there for us.
Oh by the way, Albert Einstein's birthday is Pi Day. He was born on March 14, 1879. A smart day for him to be born. :)
If Pi contains everything and God created everything including the recognition and definition of Pi, then we can today on Pi Day, praise our God for the world of everything that He created for us and for the patterns that can depend on that we use to mark time, seasons and recognize change. We can also praise and thank Him for being even greater and giving us more than the day or life of Pi (pun intended), by proving to us each day that He is awesome, great, and infinite in His love and grace given to us. I like to every now and then look to the stars and reflect on all that He has created and all that He has given me in the midst of everything else. He is a magnificent and tremendous God! On this day of Pi, what pattern will you recreate or create that will be sure and bring ultimate glory to God?
Reference: Revelation 1:8 (New Living Translation0
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
day 1094: I-9's
"Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people."
Unless you own your own business and are intimate with legal hiring requirements, or you work in HR then you probably don't know anything about an I-9 form. The I-9 is the core piece of paper that verifies whether or not an individual to be hired is legal to work in the United States. Every employee is supposed to have one on file and if you do any contracted work with the U.S. government and these forms are not up to date and on file for review at all times, then the government can slap you with a substantial fine that multiplies with each missing or incorrect form. Even if you aren't a federal contractor, you are subject to violations from the Labor Department of INS. To complete an I-9 it actually takes a human being to check two forms of valid forms of identification, including social security number and to certify with their personal signature that everything is in order. So, it takes some discipline, process, follow-through and trustworthiness of the person doing the validating. I-9s are going to be in the news again soon as they have recently gotten a revision and whatever passes with new immigration reform will shine the spotlight back on the I-9 form. If you don't know anything about these and you think you should, it might be worth a quick check-in with your HR Head or office manager.
While I-9's verify our working identity, we don't need anyone but God to validate our identities for Him. He knows who we are better than we do and wants us to know Him just as closely. I love our Father for so many reasons and who could ever turn away a God who seeks for us to know who He is by giving us His Word and Spirit to access freely and deeply. The only barrier is our level of faith, belief and willingness to surrender our lives to Him. There is no question of identity in the Kingdom. We are God's children and He is excited each time we reaffirm that as we call upon Him as our Father and Lord. If today there is any question who you belong to and who is there with you on the job, at home or throughout the day, then remember that He validates you and affirms His love for you as His, each and every day.
Reference: 1 Peter 2:10 (New Living Translation)
Unless you own your own business and are intimate with legal hiring requirements, or you work in HR then you probably don't know anything about an I-9 form. The I-9 is the core piece of paper that verifies whether or not an individual to be hired is legal to work in the United States. Every employee is supposed to have one on file and if you do any contracted work with the U.S. government and these forms are not up to date and on file for review at all times, then the government can slap you with a substantial fine that multiplies with each missing or incorrect form. Even if you aren't a federal contractor, you are subject to violations from the Labor Department of INS. To complete an I-9 it actually takes a human being to check two forms of valid forms of identification, including social security number and to certify with their personal signature that everything is in order. So, it takes some discipline, process, follow-through and trustworthiness of the person doing the validating. I-9s are going to be in the news again soon as they have recently gotten a revision and whatever passes with new immigration reform will shine the spotlight back on the I-9 form. If you don't know anything about these and you think you should, it might be worth a quick check-in with your HR Head or office manager.
While I-9's verify our working identity, we don't need anyone but God to validate our identities for Him. He knows who we are better than we do and wants us to know Him just as closely. I love our Father for so many reasons and who could ever turn away a God who seeks for us to know who He is by giving us His Word and Spirit to access freely and deeply. The only barrier is our level of faith, belief and willingness to surrender our lives to Him. There is no question of identity in the Kingdom. We are God's children and He is excited each time we reaffirm that as we call upon Him as our Father and Lord. If today there is any question who you belong to and who is there with you on the job, at home or throughout the day, then remember that He validates you and affirms His love for you as His, each and every day.
Reference: 1 Peter 2:10 (New Living Translation)
1 Peter,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
day 1093: Growth Cycles
"...that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give you."
Yesterday, we read of "finding bottom" and how the bottom is part of a cycle and can be a foundation for moving forward and upward. The growth cycle is always a tricky one to talk about because everyone wants to be able to say that their growth is always up and to the right on the charts shown to analysts and investors. But, while those charts are great to see and we love to read about them in Businessweek, Fortune and the Harvard Business Review, the truth is that most companies experience a very different cycle. Most companies feel more like they ride a sine wave than just always the up and to the right rocket or the much sought after "hockey stick". Let's face it, the sine wave of ups and downs is in our nature and it is nothing to be ashamed of and if you are in business long enough you will see that cycle be manifested. Ups and downs are normal. The key is to be sure that the next low is not as low as the low before and that the next high is a little higher than the last peak. If we can be mature enough to step back and take the long-view we will realize that sine waves can be predictable and manageable.
My pastor taught a series to begin 2013 called Windows of Opportunity. You can find that series here. One of his messages within that series was about the success and the extraordinary opportunity of life. He got me thinking about our life growth patterns and reflecting about where we can continue to grow as we age and mature. The sad part is that as human beings we decay physically and mentally, but our souls and spirit can continue to strengthen and grow right up to our death. This may not be exactly right but I think it looks
something like this:
If this is anywhere close to right then it should become clear to us where our focus needs to be for our long-term "true" growth cycle. One place we don't want to allow the sine wave to control us is in our spiritual growth and strength. God is there to grow us each and every day so now would be the time to get on that growth curve and see if a life long learning, deepening faith, trust in God, and total surrender, can't take us all the way up and to the right.
Reference: John 15: 16 (New King James Version)
Yesterday, we read of "finding bottom" and how the bottom is part of a cycle and can be a foundation for moving forward and upward. The growth cycle is always a tricky one to talk about because everyone wants to be able to say that their growth is always up and to the right on the charts shown to analysts and investors. But, while those charts are great to see and we love to read about them in Businessweek, Fortune and the Harvard Business Review, the truth is that most companies experience a very different cycle. Most companies feel more like they ride a sine wave than just always the up and to the right rocket or the much sought after "hockey stick". Let's face it, the sine wave of ups and downs is in our nature and it is nothing to be ashamed of and if you are in business long enough you will see that cycle be manifested. Ups and downs are normal. The key is to be sure that the next low is not as low as the low before and that the next high is a little higher than the last peak. If we can be mature enough to step back and take the long-view we will realize that sine waves can be predictable and manageable.
My pastor taught a series to begin 2013 called Windows of Opportunity. You can find that series here. One of his messages within that series was about the success and the extraordinary opportunity of life. He got me thinking about our life growth patterns and reflecting about where we can continue to grow as we age and mature. The sad part is that as human beings we decay physically and mentally, but our souls and spirit can continue to strengthen and grow right up to our death. This may not be exactly right but I think it looks
something like this:

Reference: John 15: 16 (New King James Version)
Monday, March 11, 2013
day 1092: Finding Bottom
"Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me."
Last week the music industry posted their first year of growth since 1999. While it was still a very small increase of 0.3 percent, totaling $16.5B (revenue before 1999 was $38B) it appears that the music industry found bottom and barring any other unforeseen issues the consumers are telling the industry that they are spending a little more last year than the year before on music. How that spending is occurring is radically different than 1999 (pre the original Napster). What is fascinating though is that because of the Internet and new digital technologies, music consumption is at an all time high. While there is growth there hasn't been a business model to bolster and economically legitimize the consumption boom. Ups and downs are part of the business cycle and there is a bottom for all of us that we have to find so we can gain a footing and then push off from there. How we find that bottom and what shape we are in when we get there is always the challenge. If we can keep perspective, not panic, and stay strategically open-minded when we hit bottom it won't feel like such a crash. Sometimes, like in music's case it takes over a decade, but even with all the missteps in that industry, a bottom can be found that can become foundational.
God knows that we all have to walk into the valleys of life if we are going to make the human journey. What is comforting is that when we are at the bottom, we are never alone. David tells us so in the famous Psalm 23. He says that we need not be afraid at the bottom, in the valley, for God is with us. Beyond that, he tells us that God brings His rod and staff to protect us from harm. At any given time, we or someone around us feels like we are finding the bottom and are scared that we will never come out. Not all of us have the faith of David so we need to see that God has put His rod and staff out there to protect us. Could it be that today you are to be God's rod and staff for someone else? Someone you know needs God's comfort and protection today. Can you reach out to them to let them know that you are there for them and you bring not only yourself but your bring your prayers and therefore the power of the Almighty's rod and staff with you? And if it is you who are finding bottom as you read this, be encouraged and know that you are not alone. Reach out to a fellow believer today and ask for a prayer. God will extend His rod and staff for you. Promise!
Reference: Psalm 23:4 (New Living Translation)
Last week the music industry posted their first year of growth since 1999. While it was still a very small increase of 0.3 percent, totaling $16.5B (revenue before 1999 was $38B) it appears that the music industry found bottom and barring any other unforeseen issues the consumers are telling the industry that they are spending a little more last year than the year before on music. How that spending is occurring is radically different than 1999 (pre the original Napster). What is fascinating though is that because of the Internet and new digital technologies, music consumption is at an all time high. While there is growth there hasn't been a business model to bolster and economically legitimize the consumption boom. Ups and downs are part of the business cycle and there is a bottom for all of us that we have to find so we can gain a footing and then push off from there. How we find that bottom and what shape we are in when we get there is always the challenge. If we can keep perspective, not panic, and stay strategically open-minded when we hit bottom it won't feel like such a crash. Sometimes, like in music's case it takes over a decade, but even with all the missteps in that industry, a bottom can be found that can become foundational.
God knows that we all have to walk into the valleys of life if we are going to make the human journey. What is comforting is that when we are at the bottom, we are never alone. David tells us so in the famous Psalm 23. He says that we need not be afraid at the bottom, in the valley, for God is with us. Beyond that, he tells us that God brings His rod and staff to protect us from harm. At any given time, we or someone around us feels like we are finding the bottom and are scared that we will never come out. Not all of us have the faith of David so we need to see that God has put His rod and staff out there to protect us. Could it be that today you are to be God's rod and staff for someone else? Someone you know needs God's comfort and protection today. Can you reach out to them to let them know that you are there for them and you bring not only yourself but your bring your prayers and therefore the power of the Almighty's rod and staff with you? And if it is you who are finding bottom as you read this, be encouraged and know that you are not alone. Reach out to a fellow believer today and ask for a prayer. God will extend His rod and staff for you. Promise!
Reference: Psalm 23:4 (New Living Translation)
music industry,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff
Friday, March 8, 2013
day 1091: A Big Policy Change
"As for me, I am in your hands—do with me as you think best."
Last week there was a big hullabaloo about Yahoo!'s CEO, Marissa Mayer, calling back into the office all of the people who have been telecommuting. There are people on both sides of this decision. Some think it way to draconian and a take-away from the benefits that people have earned at Yahoo!. Others, myself included, understand the decision and expect that this is a season that the company will go through and if the goals are met, then working from home could be restored. There are many schools of thought as to why Mayer made this decision. I suspect that in the turnaround mode the company is now in and the fact that Yahoo! long ago lost the edge in innovation that she is bringing people back together to find some sparks and see what can happen if ideas begin to flow more quickly and fluidly across Yahoo!'s employees. I also think that when new in the CEO seat that one attempts to establish a work ethic, performance standard and achievement bar. It may well be that she will sort the wheat from the chaff just by seeing who decides to comply and who decides to leave. Lastly, I do think there will be turnover from the decision and for Yahoo! that is probably okay. Voluntary attrition is always better than forced layoffs and if they were already considering having to pare the workforce, this is a good way to do so. It will be a big decision for many people. Good news for the telecommuters who can't change is that the employment market is hot and there are plenty of other companies who need skilled talent that could care less where or when you work, as long as the job gets done.
As human beings we don't like being told what to do if what it is we are being asked conflicts with what we want. We don't mind being "led", but we dislike being "controlled". The controlling part of Yahoo!'s decision is certainly part of the backlash. What I love about our Lord is that He gives us plenty of rules on how we are to live and conduct ourselves, but he constantly pulls us to Him versus push us. We may not always like what we hear from Him, but ours is a love, faith and commitment that starts with a surrendering of ourselves just like Jesus surrendered His life for us. We are in the lent season where those in the Catholic and liturgically based religions will "give up something for Lent" as a way of reminding ourselves daily how and what He gave up for us. Today as we think about what is being asked of us, let's follow the words in Jeremiah and say to God, "As for me, I am in your hands—do with me as you think best.". Remember, God never changes His rules or policies. But, it is ours to follow them willingly and with full surrender.
Reference: Jeremiah 26:14 (New Living Translation)
Last week there was a big hullabaloo about Yahoo!'s CEO, Marissa Mayer, calling back into the office all of the people who have been telecommuting. There are people on both sides of this decision. Some think it way to draconian and a take-away from the benefits that people have earned at Yahoo!. Others, myself included, understand the decision and expect that this is a season that the company will go through and if the goals are met, then working from home could be restored. There are many schools of thought as to why Mayer made this decision. I suspect that in the turnaround mode the company is now in and the fact that Yahoo! long ago lost the edge in innovation that she is bringing people back together to find some sparks and see what can happen if ideas begin to flow more quickly and fluidly across Yahoo!'s employees. I also think that when new in the CEO seat that one attempts to establish a work ethic, performance standard and achievement bar. It may well be that she will sort the wheat from the chaff just by seeing who decides to comply and who decides to leave. Lastly, I do think there will be turnover from the decision and for Yahoo! that is probably okay. Voluntary attrition is always better than forced layoffs and if they were already considering having to pare the workforce, this is a good way to do so. It will be a big decision for many people. Good news for the telecommuters who can't change is that the employment market is hot and there are plenty of other companies who need skilled talent that could care less where or when you work, as long as the job gets done.
As human beings we don't like being told what to do if what it is we are being asked conflicts with what we want. We don't mind being "led", but we dislike being "controlled". The controlling part of Yahoo!'s decision is certainly part of the backlash. What I love about our Lord is that He gives us plenty of rules on how we are to live and conduct ourselves, but he constantly pulls us to Him versus push us. We may not always like what we hear from Him, but ours is a love, faith and commitment that starts with a surrendering of ourselves just like Jesus surrendered His life for us. We are in the lent season where those in the Catholic and liturgically based religions will "give up something for Lent" as a way of reminding ourselves daily how and what He gave up for us. Today as we think about what is being asked of us, let's follow the words in Jeremiah and say to God, "As for me, I am in your hands—do with me as you think best.". Remember, God never changes His rules or policies. But, it is ours to follow them willingly and with full surrender.
Reference: Jeremiah 26:14 (New Living Translation)
marissa mayer,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff,
Thursday, March 7, 2013
day 1090: Do Well And Do Good
"Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom."
Every now and then we need a reminder to do our best and up our game. Sometimes that reminder will come from that motivation within ourselves to reach further, push harder, go faster...but for most of us we need an external influence to make that happen. This is partially what a Board of Directors can do and certainly what a boss is there to do. But, the best motivator is our competition. If we are honest with ourselves and we look at what they are doing with appreciation and a spirit of learning then we will see things that we can do better and where to improve or sometimes even shift and pivot to a new direction. Ignoring competition or looking down our noses at them is only being short-sighted. The great thing about most industries is that there is room for a couple of big players and then a number of smaller companies. The same can be said about the room and number of people on a team. Together the tide can rise if we come together to make it better for everyone. Think of the Dairy Association and their campaign, "Got Milk?". By working together, doing well collectively and individually, the entire industry gets better. Whatever it takes to do what we have to do as well as we can, we need to be open to that exploration so we don't get left behind.
It's clear that God has given us talent and time to use and spend. How we do so will determine our impact on others and how we expand the Kingdom, or not. We have to start though with doing well with what we have been given. I try not to judge others, but I can't help in being disappointed in believers who pull up short in searching for excellence and to be the best at what they do. It hurts to watch their talents not get used and to see others view them as not willing to give their all. The world we have been born into is one where we all have to work, work hard, and learn to be good at what we do if we want to grow, develop and succeed. Let's not hide behind any reasons that keep us from reaching our full potential. We don't know when, where, or how God wants to use us, but as we are taught, we need to be ready to multiply our talents and to every day, all day put these to work for the glory of God. Anything short of doing well is not taking advantage of what we have been given,.
Reference: Ecclesiates 9:10 (New Living Translation)
Every now and then we need a reminder to do our best and up our game. Sometimes that reminder will come from that motivation within ourselves to reach further, push harder, go faster...but for most of us we need an external influence to make that happen. This is partially what a Board of Directors can do and certainly what a boss is there to do. But, the best motivator is our competition. If we are honest with ourselves and we look at what they are doing with appreciation and a spirit of learning then we will see things that we can do better and where to improve or sometimes even shift and pivot to a new direction. Ignoring competition or looking down our noses at them is only being short-sighted. The great thing about most industries is that there is room for a couple of big players and then a number of smaller companies. The same can be said about the room and number of people on a team. Together the tide can rise if we come together to make it better for everyone. Think of the Dairy Association and their campaign, "Got Milk?". By working together, doing well collectively and individually, the entire industry gets better. Whatever it takes to do what we have to do as well as we can, we need to be open to that exploration so we don't get left behind.
It's clear that God has given us talent and time to use and spend. How we do so will determine our impact on others and how we expand the Kingdom, or not. We have to start though with doing well with what we have been given. I try not to judge others, but I can't help in being disappointed in believers who pull up short in searching for excellence and to be the best at what they do. It hurts to watch their talents not get used and to see others view them as not willing to give their all. The world we have been born into is one where we all have to work, work hard, and learn to be good at what we do if we want to grow, develop and succeed. Let's not hide behind any reasons that keep us from reaching our full potential. We don't know when, where, or how God wants to use us, but as we are taught, we need to be ready to multiply our talents and to every day, all day put these to work for the glory of God. Anything short of doing well is not taking advantage of what we have been given,.
Reference: Ecclesiates 9:10 (New Living Translation)
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
day 1089: Piracy Alerts
"Do Not Steal"
We have gotten slack and comfortable with piracy on the Internet. Some of the piracy is obvious and we have been told many times that we are not to steal intellectual property from the Internet...especially music, movies, books, etc. But, wherever you turn, we see examples of "borrowed" pictures, words, and still music, movies and books. There was a generation that were there at the origin of Napster (original Napster) where file-sharing became a norm, not an exception, that has had to be reeled back in. It is true that once the fire hose is turned on it is hard to stop the flow, but if we are to continue to make the creation of software and creative works part of the economic life-blood of our country we are going to have to continue to reinforce and enforce the protection of intellectual property and educate everyone that piracy is not okay. This past week the ISPs started revealing their alert systems. The most comprehensive announcement to date has been from Verizon. They (along with the other ISPs) have created a 6-alert program. According to an article in Politico last week, Verizon will be doing this: "For the first three alerts, users will be notified that they've been flagged as pirating content. For alerts four and five, users will have to watch an anti-piracy video and acknowledge receipt of the notice. For the sixth alert, users will be subject to speed throttling, the details of which are still being worked out." So, we should be ready as consumers, but also as employers to ensure that these alerts are taken seriously and not swept under the rug.
As believers, we need to pay attention to our behaviors more so than others. As we know, others are watching and evaluating. If we are pirating, even small amounts of music, or other items, then what example does that leave others to follow? It seems such an easy thing to do, but it's really part of our cultural identity and another of those places where we have to be sure that we aren't just going with the flow. Think about what you might be "stealing" that if you looked in God's mirror you would be ashamed. These are the little things in life that do matter. We live and work on a slippery slope so let's be sure that we are always alert and watching our footing.
Reference: Exodus 20:15 (New Living Translation)
We have gotten slack and comfortable with piracy on the Internet. Some of the piracy is obvious and we have been told many times that we are not to steal intellectual property from the Internet...especially music, movies, books, etc. But, wherever you turn, we see examples of "borrowed" pictures, words, and still music, movies and books. There was a generation that were there at the origin of Napster (original Napster) where file-sharing became a norm, not an exception, that has had to be reeled back in. It is true that once the fire hose is turned on it is hard to stop the flow, but if we are to continue to make the creation of software and creative works part of the economic life-blood of our country we are going to have to continue to reinforce and enforce the protection of intellectual property and educate everyone that piracy is not okay. This past week the ISPs started revealing their alert systems. The most comprehensive announcement to date has been from Verizon. They (along with the other ISPs) have created a 6-alert program. According to an article in Politico last week, Verizon will be doing this: "For the first three alerts, users will be notified that they've been flagged as pirating content. For alerts four and five, users will have to watch an anti-piracy video and acknowledge receipt of the notice. For the sixth alert, users will be subject to speed throttling, the details of which are still being worked out." So, we should be ready as consumers, but also as employers to ensure that these alerts are taken seriously and not swept under the rug.
As believers, we need to pay attention to our behaviors more so than others. As we know, others are watching and evaluating. If we are pirating, even small amounts of music, or other items, then what example does that leave others to follow? It seems such an easy thing to do, but it's really part of our cultural identity and another of those places where we have to be sure that we aren't just going with the flow. Think about what you might be "stealing" that if you looked in God's mirror you would be ashamed. These are the little things in life that do matter. We live and work on a slippery slope so let's be sure that we are always alert and watching our footing.
Reference: Exodus 20:15 (New Living Translation)
Purposed Working,
ten commandments,
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
day 1088: Autonomous Cars
"And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will guide you with knowledge and understanding."
The other day I got stuck in a major traffic jam on highway 101 south. There was a terrible accident on the northbound side right smack in the heart of morning peak rush hour. Dead stopped and no way to get off the highway for at least the next 30 minutes. I was already late and I really needed both hands to send a message, fire up my laptop to follow along with the meeting that I would now be calling into versus attending. As I was fretting I thought of the Google Autonomous Car I had seen driving itself the other day and I found myself wanting one, right now! Imagine being able to sit in traffic and let the car do this:
I have read that millions of miles have now been logged by these cars and all without one accident and when in traffic, they are just great. The car takes over and we can go about doing what else we want to do. I look forward to this day as I am not much of a driver anyway. Keep your eyes open for an autonomous car to be driving next to you soon. There aren't many of them on the road yet, but they are coming. Like releasing control of anything in our lives, it will be hard to let go the first time, but I predict that these cars will be one of the fastest changer of human behavior we will experience in our lifetime. We will let go of the wheel quickly.
God says that we are His sheep and that He is always leading us, if we will just let him do so. If there is a place where we hold back and resist letting go it is when God wants us to let Him be in control. If our faith is strong enough to let a car, or an auto pilot software in a plane to take control, then why do we resist God's control? What pilot or driver would you rather have and trust? Software or "Godware"? God wants us to relinquish the steering wheels of our lives to Him. He doesn't make mistakes. His judgment is impeccable. He doesn't take us in a wrong direction. So, what's holding us back? Consider today if you are allowing God to have full and willing control of life today?
Reference: Jeremiah 3:15 (New Living Translation)
The other day I got stuck in a major traffic jam on highway 101 south. There was a terrible accident on the northbound side right smack in the heart of morning peak rush hour. Dead stopped and no way to get off the highway for at least the next 30 minutes. I was already late and I really needed both hands to send a message, fire up my laptop to follow along with the meeting that I would now be calling into versus attending. As I was fretting I thought of the Google Autonomous Car I had seen driving itself the other day and I found myself wanting one, right now! Imagine being able to sit in traffic and let the car do this:
I have read that millions of miles have now been logged by these cars and all without one accident and when in traffic, they are just great. The car takes over and we can go about doing what else we want to do. I look forward to this day as I am not much of a driver anyway. Keep your eyes open for an autonomous car to be driving next to you soon. There aren't many of them on the road yet, but they are coming. Like releasing control of anything in our lives, it will be hard to let go the first time, but I predict that these cars will be one of the fastest changer of human behavior we will experience in our lifetime. We will let go of the wheel quickly.
God says that we are His sheep and that He is always leading us, if we will just let him do so. If there is a place where we hold back and resist letting go it is when God wants us to let Him be in control. If our faith is strong enough to let a car, or an auto pilot software in a plane to take control, then why do we resist God's control? What pilot or driver would you rather have and trust? Software or "Godware"? God wants us to relinquish the steering wheels of our lives to Him. He doesn't make mistakes. His judgment is impeccable. He doesn't take us in a wrong direction. So, what's holding us back? Consider today if you are allowing God to have full and willing control of life today?
Reference: Jeremiah 3:15 (New Living Translation)
autonomous cars,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff,
Monday, March 4, 2013
day 1087: Job Satisfaction
"Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives."
It's hard to identify something that is more top of mind than how satisfied someone is in their job. Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction can be big drivers for influence and impact in the rest of our lives. Consider the high that we feel and carry home on the days when we are most satisfied with our jobs. It could be driven by a promotion, salary increase, positive performance rating, recognition or just the knowledge of accomplishing something that was hard and seemed unattainable until we got it done. These are great mountain high days. Conversely, there are the valley low days too when all the above have a flips-side, or as simple as the wrong word being said to us that can make us feel like we have been dropped emotionally like a rock. What really impacts job satisfaction is in itself a mystery. Recently there was an article in the Wall Street Journal where writer Sue Shellenberger referenced a 2011 study from the Journal of Applied Psychology that stated "that inherited traits may be responsible for about 27% of the variance in people's job satisfaction." She goes on to say that these traits can be things like the type of dopamine receptor gene we have that is "tied to risk-taking, weak impulse control and attention deficit disorder, and thus tend to be less satisfied with their jobs", Shellenberger referenced from a study from the National University of Singapore. I am not surprised with these findings as I have watched the variable high highs and low lows of so many people who all work in the same place, sometimes doing the same jobs. Job satisfaction is tricky and complex and any of us who have any responsibility for someone else being satisfied in their jobs should be thinking holistically about the factors and how to manage this critical area of business.
As believers we can approach each day with the King giving us all we need to receive to find satisfaction. God's love is waiting us when we wake, when we leave the house, when we clock-in, when we get to that first email or meeting. The challenge is to keep that first and foremost as the driver of our satisfaction on and off the job and to not let any other swaying words, influences, or reactions to take us off the satisfaction track. If we are truly working to bring glory to God in all that we do, how can we really not be satisfied?
Reference: Psalm 90:14 (New Living Translation)
It's hard to identify something that is more top of mind than how satisfied someone is in their job. Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction can be big drivers for influence and impact in the rest of our lives. Consider the high that we feel and carry home on the days when we are most satisfied with our jobs. It could be driven by a promotion, salary increase, positive performance rating, recognition or just the knowledge of accomplishing something that was hard and seemed unattainable until we got it done. These are great mountain high days. Conversely, there are the valley low days too when all the above have a flips-side, or as simple as the wrong word being said to us that can make us feel like we have been dropped emotionally like a rock. What really impacts job satisfaction is in itself a mystery. Recently there was an article in the Wall Street Journal where writer Sue Shellenberger referenced a 2011 study from the Journal of Applied Psychology that stated "that inherited traits may be responsible for about 27% of the variance in people's job satisfaction." She goes on to say that these traits can be things like the type of dopamine receptor gene we have that is "tied to risk-taking, weak impulse control and attention deficit disorder, and thus tend to be less satisfied with their jobs", Shellenberger referenced from a study from the National University of Singapore. I am not surprised with these findings as I have watched the variable high highs and low lows of so many people who all work in the same place, sometimes doing the same jobs. Job satisfaction is tricky and complex and any of us who have any responsibility for someone else being satisfied in their jobs should be thinking holistically about the factors and how to manage this critical area of business.
As believers we can approach each day with the King giving us all we need to receive to find satisfaction. God's love is waiting us when we wake, when we leave the house, when we clock-in, when we get to that first email or meeting. The challenge is to keep that first and foremost as the driver of our satisfaction on and off the job and to not let any other swaying words, influences, or reactions to take us off the satisfaction track. If we are truly working to bring glory to God in all that we do, how can we really not be satisfied?
Reference: Psalm 90:14 (New Living Translation)
Friday, March 1, 2013
day 1086: 3-D Printing
"So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Be on the lookout for the first 3-D printer to hit the office in the next few months. What started out being reserved for high-end design, fabrication and manufacturing firms are now just a second away from being affordable enough that we will have them in our offices and homes. I am not sure exactly what we might all do with them, but think about the creation of things around the office or house that are tools or resources we might need. Need a new bowl, print it. Need a cap to a bottle, print it. Need a coaster, print it. Need a holder for an object, print it. It may be that soon, if we can dream it, we can print it. The prices are dropping fast so be ready that when you make a presentation of what something might look like that someone else will be coming in with their idea already printed so that it can be seen, held and felt. There are a number of resources out there to learn more. MakerBot, Printrbot, MakerGear are all companies that are leading in this 3-D space. Soon we will all be able to create on the fly. What fantastic productivity, efficiency and creativity opportunities this can create.
God has always been 3-D printing. He started with the earth, plants, fish, fowl, animals and us. We are told that we were created in His image and we have to live up to that creation. While we live in 3-D, we as humans have a way of adding our own dimensions and messing up perfection. How often do we think about what it means to be made in His image? It's an important and critical responsibility if we are committed to His image being reflected correctly. One of the problems with the early days of the 3-D printing technology is the number of rejects that occur before the object is printed correctly. There are no rejects in God's creations. We all, even the most flawed, are still his prized and treasured creations. He hurts like we do when something we create goes awry or breaks. Smile and glory today in the knowledge that God created you in His image and made you personally and individually. But, be reminded that He asks of all of us to uphold His image so that all will see His awesomeness. That part of the image we have to carry with us!
Reference: Genesis 1:27 (New Living Translation)
Be on the lookout for the first 3-D printer to hit the office in the next few months. What started out being reserved for high-end design, fabrication and manufacturing firms are now just a second away from being affordable enough that we will have them in our offices and homes. I am not sure exactly what we might all do with them, but think about the creation of things around the office or house that are tools or resources we might need. Need a new bowl, print it. Need a cap to a bottle, print it. Need a coaster, print it. Need a holder for an object, print it. It may be that soon, if we can dream it, we can print it. The prices are dropping fast so be ready that when you make a presentation of what something might look like that someone else will be coming in with their idea already printed so that it can be seen, held and felt. There are a number of resources out there to learn more. MakerBot, Printrbot, MakerGear are all companies that are leading in this 3-D space. Soon we will all be able to create on the fly. What fantastic productivity, efficiency and creativity opportunities this can create.
God has always been 3-D printing. He started with the earth, plants, fish, fowl, animals and us. We are told that we were created in His image and we have to live up to that creation. While we live in 3-D, we as humans have a way of adding our own dimensions and messing up perfection. How often do we think about what it means to be made in His image? It's an important and critical responsibility if we are committed to His image being reflected correctly. One of the problems with the early days of the 3-D printing technology is the number of rejects that occur before the object is printed correctly. There are no rejects in God's creations. We all, even the most flawed, are still his prized and treasured creations. He hurts like we do when something we create goes awry or breaks. Smile and glory today in the knowledge that God created you in His image and made you personally and individually. But, be reminded that He asks of all of us to uphold His image so that all will see His awesomeness. That part of the image we have to carry with us!
Reference: Genesis 1:27 (New Living Translation)
3-D printing,
Purposed Working,
rusty rueff
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