Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day 353: Behind The Password

The idea of a having a "password" has been an interesting transition over the last 30-ish years. Before computers, voicemail, email, websites, etc. passwords were those things that you whispered through the door of a clubhouse, or were reserved for military or clandestine activities. Not that long ago, you didn't really need any passwords but today we have to keep lists of our current passwords handy so that we can function and stay connected. With a password comes a sense of security and also somewhat a sense of secrecy. In the office every IT person will make sure that we all know that our passwords and what we do on the companies network is not secret and cannot be done without the knowledge that someone else is watching. Even so, in my career I have had to deal with more cases than I want to remember of people who misuse their company computer or the company's network and when caught, they thought that because they were behind a password or different alias they had created for themselves, that they were safe to do whatever they wanted. Suffice to say that in today's technology world, there are no secrets and no password or on-line identity can be hidden or is totally secure. This is a good lesson to apply to our lives as well. There are no secret from God. Sometimes we think that can cordon off parts of our lives and place our own secret passwords in place and get away from God, but that's not the way it works. God sees through all of the passwords and aliases. He can see across our thoughts, desires, actions, and our hearts. In Romans 2:16 Paul says to us; "The day will surely come when God, by Jesus Christ, will judge everyone's secret life". Let's not try and live or work behind a password that we think can keep God out. With God, we have no secrets and who we are, regardless of our faults, is who He wants to know. Today, let's think through the parts of who we are that we have tried and place a password over and see if you can't start removing those, one by one.

Reference: Romans 2:16 (New Living Testament)

1 comment:

  1. Rusty:
    So happy to meet you. I have worked for Padgett, Inc. some 33+ years and have been blessed to share conversations about my Christian walk with a good buddy of yours, Jimmy Padgett.

    He sent me this post yesterday and I asked him to forward me your website in order to subscribe to your daily messages.

    May your life's worK continue to be blessed.

    Cassi Moore
