How often do we pray over our work? It's interesting that we can find a routine to pray over our meals, but we don't have a routine to pray over our work. How many of us start our day by asking God to help, support and guide us in the work that we are to do throughout the day? If we can ask God to bless a meal that happens over a workday lunch, then we can certainly ask God to bless the day and the work that we do. God has given us each talents that we bring onto our jobs and if we are giving glory to God in all that we do, then He certainly wants us to be blessed at how we use those talents. Jesus says in Mark 11:24; "Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you will have it." So rather than start the day with our To-Do List, let's start the day with our Prayer list and right up at the top, let's be sure and ask God to come to work with us today and to pour his blessing over the work that is to be done! So, take the time that you might spend reading a longer Purposed worKING post and instead put it towards a prayer right now over your job and your work.
Reference: Mark 11:24 (New Living Testament)
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