Wednesday, December 1, 2010

day 544: Intentionally Quiet

As we go into the last month of the year there becomes a bit of a sprint between now and whenever we head off for the holiday break. Not only do we want to complete all of the work items that must be done before we take off for the holidays, we have the rest of our life activities to finish before the big day. If we are not careful we will find ourselves scrambling all month long just trying to get everything done in the "St. Nick" of time. Yet, there will be others around us who don't seem to get ruffled at all and they will go through this season at a steady pace and come across the finish line looking as though they never broke a sweat. What is the difference and how do they do it? Every person has their own coping mechanisms that work for them. There isn't a one size fits all answer but I will offer that getting some quiet time to be intentional each day will go a long way in making this month be one of wholeness and potentially also joyful in how work is done. What I mean by getting intentionally quiet is to commit a few minutes each day, either in the morning or in the evening before going home to look at everything that is to be done for the month and get it all on a piece of paper and slot the work into times for completion. For example, you know you have the annual wrap-up letter that has to be written. It's at the top of the to do list but it is going to take time and other things keep getting in the way. Don't let it just sit there, put a time on your calendar for writing it. Block off that time as sacrosanct. Use that time for that only. On your to do list, write that time next to it and then know that you have planned when to get it done and go to the next item and do the same. Each day that you do this you will see that you have plenty of time to get it all done and time to spare. But without the quiet time to get intentional it can all get away from us. The same is true of our spiritual lives. We must get the quiet intentional time to keep pace and grow. If we lose this time and intentionality we slip and fall behind. David says, "I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him." Today, before the end of this day, let's find that quiet time to get intentional for our work and God's work in us!

Reference: Psalm 62:1 (New Living Testament)

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