Tuesday, February 15, 2011

day 593: Displacement: Part 5, Malicious Behavior

This is the last post in this five part series on Displacement. We have been exploring what needs to be displaced in our work and the rest of our lives in order to allow other good things to be replacements. The final area to discuss is a both an emotion and a behavior. It has to do with what we will do and to what extremes we will do it to get ahead in our jobs and our careers. It is not unusual to hear people put down other people while we are working. In fact, if you listen carefully for it, it is very common and remarkably widely accepted. "He never called back, She didn't finish the job, He dropped the ball, She let the team down, He blew off the assignment, She never showed up, He could care less, She is only out for herself", and on and on and on it goes. Everyday, all day long. Then we wonder why we fall into the pattern so easily and before we even recognize it we have become malicious in how we undermine or put ourselves in front of someone else. Maybe it is more human nature than we think since it comes out so naturally. There is also an extreme to this that would be found unacceptable to just about anyone but still happens, and this is when actual behaviors show up that cause someone else from being able to do their jobs or being dragged down so that someone else can look better. This is true maliciousness. How do we ensure that we don't go down that road or that we don't get caught up in the wrong words and behaviors? This is where we must replace and displace this with thoughts and words of wanting to see others succeed, wanting to see others grow and develop, wanting to see others do well and wanting all of this regardless of where it leaves our stature or position in the organization. We have to stop putting ourselves first and instead replace this with putting others ahead of us. And yes, this will be alright and no, we won't lose our position because we want to see someone else succeed. Now is the time to get rid of any malicious feelings, thoughts or tendencies. Paul tells us this clearly; "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior." What is in our minds and hearts will become behaviors. Now is the time to get rid of it all. Keep Ephesians 4:31 in your mind and heart. The lesson of displacement is a daily lesson to be relearned over and over.

Reference: Ephesians 4:31 (New Living Testament)

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