Friday, March 4, 2011

day 605: Business Books

A colleague and friend just published a new business book. I received my signed copy earlier this week and as such, I have started reading the book. (As a published author myself, I feel like I have to read these books to honor the hard work and commitment that I know goes into this type of effort). How much can we really learn and garner from a business book? In reality, there isn't that much that is "new" but what is old and proven can always be repackaged, updated and brought to life again for good purpose. So, of course something new can be learned from a business book. I am amazed that in the few book stores left that the self-improvement section of the store is about one and half size bigger than the business book section. That tells me that we all care about our self-improvement and that we can always learn in this area. For that we have the best book of all time which as you know from Purposed worKING is just as great for our businesses and also great for our self-improvement. We are told, "Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance." As we go about our business today and as we read that next business book let's not forget or miss that we have the opportunity in front of us to dive deep into the best business book of all.

Reference: Proverbs 1:5 (New Living Testament)

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