Friday, April 29, 2011

day 644: The Power of Showing

"Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!"

"Come see this!", says the marketing person as she drags her team's finance person into a conference room to show her the mock-ups of the latest marketing campaign.

"Look here", says the accountant to his cube mate as he finds a ledger entry mistake that they had been searching.

"Let's go see what they are up to", says the CEO to his Assistant as they walk out to the shop floor to inspect the new distribution warehouse. When we are proud of something we want to show it off. When we are inquisitive about something that we think could be exciting, we want to go see it. When both occur at the same time, magic in the workplace happens. The moments when we see something that we marvel at and the times that we get a chance to gaze upon a product, an idea, or a service in action, that is innovative or new to us can be indelible. When I worked in the videogame business it was constant show and tell and each and every instance was usually more eye-opening and jaw dropping than before. Many times it seemed like the future was developing right in front of our eyes. The power of showing and seeing is like no other. Words cannot adequately describe what can be shown. If you are only telling and not showing and wondering why others aren't getting excited about what you are working on, then you may want to rethink and start showing more.

As believers in the workplace we can also let others see what God has done in our lives by not just telling but also by showing. We need to tell but if we don't also show in our daily lives how God works in us and how we allow Him to lead our lives, then our words will be hollow and not exciting. Today, let's think about what we have to do to start showing to others what miraculous things God has done for us. Can we start today being as excited about showing that off as we are a new idea that we came up with for work?

Reference: Psalm 66:5 (New Living Testament)

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