Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 685: Fair Trade

"The Lord demands fairness in every business deal; he sets the standard."

Fair trade treaties are written between countries to ensure that a set of business standards are set and followed. We have laws in the United States that regulate how we can advertise, market, represent products, set pricing, etc. Yet, with all of this, we find businesses and business people who still try and tilt the scales away from fairness and take advantage of a consumer or a vendor. What should be fair, can easily end up being unfair. I sometimes marvel at the companies that have payment terms that are on receipt (immediate) when they themselves won't pay their vendors for 30, 60 or even 90 days. We take it for granted that this is fair because the company gets the cash flow, etc. but for that vendor who barely makes it by, they don't see the fairness. We seem to forget in business and how/when we create our policies and practices that what is good for one should be good for another, or better said, we should only do unto others what we would want done to us. If we lead a business, or any part of it, it would be a good practice to review and evaluate policies against a standard of true fairness.

As believers, followers of Jesus, and striving to be good business people, we can't ignore the words of Solomon in Proverbs 16:11. He tells us that the Lord "demands" fairness. Notice this is not, "wants" or "desires", Solomon tells us that fairness is a requirement! And, this is not in some events and circumstances, but instead in "every business deal". It is God who sets the standard that we must follow. If we cut a corner, if we tip the scales, if we don't establish fairness as our way of doing business, then we are not living up to His standards. Today, let's take a look at how fair we are being and be sure that we are working and living up to His standard!

Reference: Proverbs 16:11 (New Living Testament)

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