Friday, August 12, 2011

day 710: A Gift

"For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life."

It is customary in many parts of the world to bring along a gift when one does business with a customer, partner or even a co-worker from another part of the world. These gifts don't have to be extravagant and more often than not they are tied to the part of the world that the person has come from, or part of the business that they manage or lead. It is always nice to be on the receiving end of these and just as nice to be a giver. The gift provides an equaling opportunity and signals the importance of one person to another. While we may not do this as much in our everyday business life, it is still true that a gift to a co-worker to show appreciation or recognition can go a long way. If we haven't given a gift in a while to someone, now might be a good time to think about doing so.

John 3:16 is one of the first verses we learn as believers and followers of Jesus. Of course the power in the message of God giving his Son for us is the core of our belief, we can also stand in awe of the lesson and challenge to walk in the example of the four words, " loved...He gave." As we work to bring glory to God in our jobs and the time we spend with our co-workers, how are we modeling those four words? What is it that we love and what do we give because of that love? God tells us to love one another as a core commandment. Are we showing that love with giving of ourselves to others? If we are going to say that we love, we must show that we do so with the giving of ourselves. God gave us the greatest gift, now we must follow in that giving! What is our gift to give today?

Reference: John 3:16 (New Living Testament)

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