Monday, September 26, 2011

day 737: Words Are Cheap...Performance Counts

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new being, by changing the way you think."

"Words Are Cheap...Performance Counts". This is one of the those signs that hang in the office of executives to remind anyone who graces that space that there is a philosophy to be followed. The signs work as they can create common language and thoughts. What I like about this one is that it says so much about what a business is supposed to be and also what not to be. Businesses that talk a good game about their products and services but never deliver, don't really matter and won't be around long. It is true performance that counts and the words become strong at that point. It's always easier for a marketer or PR person to put the words on top of the cake versus trying to have the words be the filling and hoping that the rest happens. In our businesses, both internally and externally we should worry less about what we say we are going to be and do and more about are we doing it?

The same is true in our lives and how we work. Others are looking at us to today to see if our words and actions match. There are co-workers who know that how we spend our weekends include time in our church and fellowship with other believers. They expect that we don't waste that time but instead learn and become better with who we are and ultimately, better with others. If we roll back into the office today and our actions (our performance) doesn't count up to who we say we are or who we want to be, then our words are cheap and worthless. We each know what are own issues to overcome to make our words not be cheap. Today is a day that we can make our performance count. God promises that we can be new in who we are and then challenges us to take our newness and not copy the rest of the world. Let today be an original day and let today be a day where our performance counts in His eyes and the eyes of others.

Reference: Romans 12:2 (New Living Testament)

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