Monday, November 28, 2011

day 779: Cyber Monday

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.

Today is "Cyber Monday". This is a term that is not that old. It started in the 2000's as e-commerce sites became popular as shopping destinations on the Monday after Black Friday. Black Friday actually has a meaning. This is the day that many bricks and mortar retailers turn profitable in their fiscal year. Cyber Monday doesn't have that level of significance as it is really a day for the digital retailing world to show off their stuff and have a big day. I have no idea what it means to productivity in the workforce today, but it is a big day that anyone who sells online has been gearing up and preparing for. That is the case for all of our businesses. We each have a big day, or a big season, when we show off our stuff and we have to be at the top of our game. That level of preparation and gearing up is important to us as it sharpens and makes us better each year. If your business doesn't have a time like this, then it's worth thinking about how to create that level of focus, attention, and hype. Everyone is at their best at this time and it brings out the best in the organization and people. We all look forward to a time to rally and put ourselves out there. For many, that is today and this holiday season as the rest of this calendar/fiscal year unfolds.

Each and every day we are asked to "show our stuff" and be at our best. God challenges us in all aspects of our life to be at our best and to bring glory to Him in all that we do. During our own busy and peak seasons it can be hard to remember that that these are also the best times to be focused and cognizant of the example that we are living for Christ. When everyone else is stressed and at their breaking points, if we can be a role model for patience, gentleness, kindness, peacefulness, joy, etc. then the fruits of His spirit will be contagious. Others are looking to see His workmanship in you. Can you make today, and this busy season the time when He shines through?

Reference; Psalm 139:14 (New Living Testament)

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