Thursday, May 24, 2012

day 897: Trademarks

"In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"

I am working with a couple of start-ups now that are releasing new products into the market and invariably, the topic of trademarking has come up.  It does each and every time someone releases something new.  I'm a believer that trademarks are important to pursue, obtain and defend.  If for no other reason, it is the company's identity and a point of pride to have a trademark that can built upon and marketed with the hope of reaching and becoming a household moniker/name.  Getting a trademark is hard but keeping it is just as hard.  You have to use it and stay consistent in its' use to be able to claim and defend it in the future.  Look no further than companies like Xerox and Kleenex who had their trademark become generic because they didn't protect the use and defend their marks. My advice is always to find a mark that can truly become yours and then build walls around it for your own use and be sure to treat it as purely and proudly as you would your own personal name.

John gives us interchangeable trademarks for God when he tells us that the Word and God are synonymous.  What a glorious mark God has given us to use with knowing that the Word is God.  Knowing this, it is our responsibility as the keepers and advancers of God's Kingdom on earth to use the Word as God expects and to keep the mark alive for others.  The only way we can do this is to be inside of God's Word and to get to know it like we were getting to know God, which when we read, study, memorize, speak and do God's Word, we are.  How much time are taking out of each day to build up,  protect and advance God's trademark in our own lives and in the lives of others?

Reference: John 1:1 (King James Version)

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