Friday, March 14, 2014

day 1339: Invasions...Not!

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow - not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love."

I can't think of anyone who likes an invasion.  The world is nervous about what is happening in the Ukraine. We are concerned about invasions of our privacy.  We don't like it when rules, regulations, government becomes invasive in our ways of doing business. Every so many years we read of the fear of an invasion of red army ants or killer bees that will invade our communities.  And, once a year there is a hit movie about the invasion of earth by aliens that we successfully fend off so that we can cheer for those who turned back the invasion. Let's face it, we don't like invasions. What does that mean for us in our businesses?  It might have us asking whether or not we should be having someone call someones house at dinner time to sell a product.  It also might mean that we better be more than ready for the cyber-threats that could compromise our billing systems and cause our customers financial information to be invaded.  It could also mean that we think and care more about when it is okay, or not okay to have a a manager take over the work of her/his team, just because she/he feels they can do a better job.  Invasions are big and they are small, but it's worth thinking about before we make the next move.

Our relationship and life example for Christ is under threat of invasion at every moment.  When we feel that temptation, lose our temper, take credit for what is not ours, become too self-reliant, or just ignore what God is telling us to do, then our relationship with Christ is being invaded by the other side.  The old adage is that the best defense is a strong offense.  In God's Kingdom that also rings true.  The more that we actively and proactively deepen our lives in the Word, prayer, church and fellowship, the more we can be ready to ward off the invasions that will come. And, yes they will come.  When we are living out the example that God desires, we become a greater and greater target and threat to those who want to see us fail.  But, as we are promised, nothing can separate us from God's love and protection, if we only seek and allow Him in.  So, take this weekend and spend time with God.  It will be good readiness for the invasions that will inevitably show up next week.

Reference:  Romans 8:38 (New Living Translation)

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