Friday, April 25, 2014

day 1368: Any Other Day?

"On that day I will gather you together and bring you home again."

It's just an any other ordinary day.  Well, it is and it isn't.  We each are waking up and getting ready to go about today's business and responsibilities.  Among all of us there are those who are happy and excited about something that will happen today.  There are others who are anxious, frightened, sorrowful and pained about what the day holds.  We mark the days by these events and then we move on. For me, today is my birthday and all day long I will receive good wishes from friends and family.  These will come by phone, text, postal mail, and of course Facebook. And tomorrow, yesterday will have been my birthday and that special feeling will have passed. How might we figure out how to make our customers and consumers feel something special each and every day? Is there something we can provide to them that gives them an extra boost of energy, encouragement, optimism, hope, service or excitement? 

In our faith we celebrate special days as a part of having milestone for our spiritual growth and development. This past weekend as the celebration of Easter, I always think of as the first day of my spiritual year.  Within  Easter I am filled with all that Christ represents and promises for us. That begs the question of how can we make every day, our own special day with Him?  We move through the workday and before we know it, the day and the week is gone.  Every now and then it is good to check our milestone days to be sure that we are making the most of what God has given us and that no day is just an ordinary one for the Kingdom.

Reference:  Zephaniah 3:20 (New Living Translation)

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