While Fridays can be the best day of the week, they also can many times be the toughest. When the week has not yielded everything that it should have and we are looking at a weekend of work in front of us in order to be ready for what will face us next week, Fridays can feel overwhelming. What should be the day that we tidy up and get ready for some rest and relaxation can actually be one of the higher days of stress of the week because we become tense about knowing that we are going to lose the weekend and also have to explain to others why we can't be with them or have to go into the office on Saturday. These are the weeks where it feels like we barely fall over the finish line versus break the tape with leftover strength and vigor. There isn't an easy answer to this other than to recognize that it happens to all of us at one time or another and that we are not alone. I find that in these times I must remind myself that "this too shall pass" and that unless this level of activity becomes a regular thing, that I can can just about make it through anything once and awhile. However, that's probably not thinking big enough and I/we should be in these times drawing on the greater source of strength that is given to us. David writes in Psalm 73:26; "My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart, he is mine forever." If we want to realize real strength and the ability to push through anything humanly challenging we only have to fall back on the strength that God can give us if we allow Him to do so. Think of it this way, God is right there with us as we look into the face of the weekend of work in front of us. How many times do we take the time to bring the challenge to Him and ask Him for the strength, the efficiency and the productivity to get through what has to be completed? This is the moment when we can draw upon Him as our work partner and greatest supporter.
Reference: Psalm 73:26 (New Living Testament)
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