Monday, November 1, 2010

day 524: Leading By Example

Who do we look up to? Who is it in the company that we pattern ourselves after and would like to be like? Everyone has someone that if we think about it hard enough we will put in this category. Even if we are at the top of company, or a functional leader, there are still bigger companies and more distinguished peers that we can look up to and try and be like. There was a time that even the CEOs of the largest companies across America, when asked, would mention people like Jack Welch as their role model. We all look up. But, what we need to understand is that we may also be the role model of someone else. In fact, it's a pretty good chance that this is true and we probably don't even know that this is so. Just like we may have never told our role models that they are such, the same is true of someone else not talking to us. Wow, this leaves us with responsibilities and accountability that we don't even know about. But, it is does not absolve us of this responsibility. We can't be like certain professional sports athletes who think it is cool to make this counterclaim of not being a role model. It is what it is and we need to make the most of the opportunities provided to us. David talks about this in Psalm 71:7; "My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection." Yes, we are the examples to many and today would be a great day to check in and ensure that we are leading by good examples. If others are watching and patterning themselves after us, then we need to do all we can to be an example to others that we should be. Moment after moment today, those opportunities will present themselves. Now, we just need to watch and lead by example.

Reference: Psalm 71:7 (New Living Testament)

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