Monday, November 29, 2010

day 542: Staying Relevant

The pace of change that is all around us can sometimes feel absurd. About the time we think we are up to date, or a just a little ahead, we find out that we are behind. I speak to different groups about the use of technology and I always say, "whatever we think is new is already old." It's true. Every day there is something new that has popped up and we have to consider whether or not we are going to take the time and effort to learn these new offerings, or stick with what we know and see what sticks and what doesn't. There is nothing wrong with this approach as long as we stay really close to what is new so that we can stay relevant and up to date. What we don't want to do is fall behind to a point where we feel like we can never catch up and our attitude slips into a defensive and/or opposing stance. Even worse, we can become cynical and before long we can look like curmudgeons. The risk in this is that we don't stay relevant and we get passed over for opportunities because others don't think we can learn or keep up. We might even find ourselves on the bubble when it comes to be thought of as someone who can keep the pace of change and be a part of the future, versus the past. The same can be said about our ability to influence and be the example to others that we want to be. We always have a new generation coming into the workforce and we need to be sure that we understand where they are coming from and what is important to them. They also need to see us as people who can relate to them. David felt the same way when he prayed to God in Psalm 71:18, "Let me proclaim your power to this new generation..." Today, think about those things and areas where with a little more effort and a little more energy you can stay relevant and up to date. Are there are things that you have been resisting but you know you need to dig into and learn? This time of year and thinking about goals for the New Year is a great time to make the commitment to staying relevant.

Reference: Psalm 71:18 (New Living Testament)

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