Tuesday, June 5, 2012

day 904: Political Quarrels

"Beginning a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out."

All around us it seems there are arguments happening. It is political season after all and that seems to stir the pot more than anything else.  Political views usually get checked at the office door, or at least in smart organizations that happens. But, let's not fool ourselves, politics is how business operates and is more of an organizational fiber than we like.  Politics don't have to be bad, but in most cases when there is disagreement we can see full fledged quarrels break out and when that happens things can happen that are hard to repair.  How do we avoid quarrels in the workplace?  Diffusing tension is a skill and we should hope that we always have someone in the room who is adept at keeping emotions at bay.  Sometimes it is the humor person, sometimes the boss, sometimes just someone who helps everyone see the middle ground. But, when that isn't there, we can be sitting on powderkegs that are just looking to be ignited. 

It's risky business for us to put ourselves in situations where we are going to quarrel with someone else in the office.  As Solomon says, "Beginning a quarrel is like opening a floodgate".  What we say or do in the heat of battle and at the height of emotion can ruin our example with just one word.  Jesus is the great repairer but let's now have to have Him clean up after us for this reason.  With a closed mouth, a deep breathe, a count to 10, or a prayer offered up, we can avoid the danger and keep a Christlike example for others.

Reference: Proverbs 17:14 (New Living Testament)

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