Monday, June 18, 2012

day 913: Credentials

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." 

It is summer and the time for conferences, expositions and seminars.  The Apple World Wide Developers Conference just ended and the Google IO Conference is coming up.  I've have a number of people reach to me about these meetings and others trying to get credentials and passes to get in.  It seems like there is always someone who wants to get into something that they can't.  Of course, being able to walk past security with the highest level of credentials is a great feeling.  Years ago my friend Jeff and I were given passes to a Lollapalooza concert.  We didn't know what level of access the credentials would get us until we just kept trying to act like we knew what we were doing, flashing our credentials to security until someone would stop us.  Once we were standing in the wings of the stage talking to Dave Navarro from Jane's Addiction, we realized that we had an all-access pass.  Everyone likes to have credentials and in our businesses we can take a lesson from this in how we give access to the inner workings to our employees, our customers and our investors.  When these constituencies feel "credentialed" their support level goes up.

How great it is to know that God has provided us all the credentials we need to enter His Kingdom with acceptance and faith in His Son, Jesus.  It is with our faith that we can have full confidence and live our lives knowing that we have the most amazing credentials available in this life. So, as we move through this day and week, we need to do so with confidence and assurance that our God delivers on all that He has promised. When we don't, we are weakening to others the credential that God has given to us.  Let's not be ones that let that happen.

Reference: Hebrews 11:1 (New Living Translation)

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