Monday, July 23, 2012

day 935: The Right Course

"My child, listen and be wise; keep your heart on the right course."

Our future is built upon our past.  Seems simple enough to understand but not always appreciated and too often the past is forgotten so we make a mistake again that was made before.  Every now and then it is good to evaluate our past and what it is that we should continue to take forward and what it is that we should shed.  This is why I like services such as EverNote that allows for us to store and keep those things from the past that can be brought forward into the present within keystrokes.  It is also good to honor achievements that have brought us to where we are today.  43 years ago yesterday, Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the moon.  I have had the pleasure of meeting Neil and serving along side of him in purposes of our shared alma mater, Purdue.  Neil won't be with us forever, but what he did and the course that it launched our country on with science, technology, engineering and product designs, will forever be remembered and hopefully appreciated.  Like the monumental task it was to get a man on the moon, each of our businesses need to have those seemingly crazy dreams and goals to push ourselves onto a course that once on, would seem just as crazy to abandon.

King David challenges us to find and stay on the right course in maybe the hardest of all places; in our hearts.  How easy it is to say, "I've had a change of heart". When we say those words, or hear them, let's take pause and be sure that we are listening and challenging ourselves about the course we are on.  How sweet it feels when our hearts are right with God and others!  Today, as we start this week, let's put a crazy challenge in front of ourselves and establish a course that is right for our heart that would solve a problem we might have with a co-worker.  Without knowing, who or what, I know that we all have something and someone that if we listen closely to what God is saying, we will know what it is that we need to right.  Tomorrow's post will continue this course more....

Reference: Proverbs 23:19 (New Living Translation)

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