Wednesday, July 25, 2012

day 937: "Well, Of Course..."

"My child, listen and be wise; keep your heart on the right course."

How often do we find ourselves saying, after we have come to a realization, "Well, of course"?  More often than we would would like?  We are always learning and when the market shifts or new information becomes available, or when new ideas are exposed, we find ourselves slapping our forehead and saying aloud or to ourselves, "Well, of course".  These are powerful learning moments for if we think about these times then we can draw from this "well" for deeper insights and even better thinking and direction.  Consider how many times in our business that instead of thinking about the "Well, of course" as punitive or a statement by the scapegoat, we could draw upon it as a positive and instructive learning moment.  Let's work to make the times we have a chance to draw from the "well" ones that can be healthy, refreshing and rejuvenating to our business, teams, and people.

God gives us a "well of life" that he has provided for us to drink from and drink deeply at our choosing and pleasure. His well is the will for us to follow.  His well is the course that we must follow and it is, of course, the right course for our lives. Are we pursuing and drawing upon His well or are we continuing to pursue our own course without Him?  We need to ask ourselves this question continuously so that we are always on the right course.  For us, for those around us, and those who we impact it is,well, important of course.

Reference: Proverbs 23:19 (New Living Translation)

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