Monday, April 2, 2012

day 860: Boldly Stepping Forward

"It was about faith..."

We love bold businesses. Bold businesses bring to the consumer products and services that amaze us and have us wearing their tee shirts and placing stickers of their logo on our notebooks and hardware. If we each were to think of a company that fits this mold for us, we would quickly come to our own list. And if helped to come to the definition, we could use the word bold and feel that it describes these companies. We often wonder why certain companies get to this level of respect and others don't. To me it is clear; each of these companies have a clear and concise vision and then build their organization with strong talent to make that vision a reality. It is when these two vectors intersect that companies get bold and consumers and customers recognize it too. Finding our way to have a bold business is a good challenge and one that we should think about when we decide where to take our businesses, the direction of our teams, and the way that we think about the future.

The eleventh chapter of Hebrews walks us through many of the great people of faith in the Bible. As we read about each person and their actions, the writings start with, "It was by faith...". Each of us have our challenges and those things that get in the way of our job performance and what we believe would be success for us. I used to think that men like Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc. were somehow super-charged with faith, but as I grew older and learned more about the nature of people I found that each of these men were just like us. They each had their lives, like ours, filled with family, friends, co-workers, peers, etc. who challenged them and in some cases ridiculed and/or persecuted then as well. But, they were able to go forward boldly because of their faith. This is the lesson for us. If we allow our faith to be magnified then we can be bold in how we live and work. As we go into this Holy Week, let us ensure that our faith is strong so that we can boldly step forward for Him.

Reference: Hebrews Chapter 11

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