Tuesday, April 3, 2012

day 861: Declaring Good

"And God saw that it was good."

There have been all kinds of businesses and services that have been created to declare what is good and what is not. The Better Business Bureau was established to do that for consumers who wanted to know which business was good. Today we have Angie's List to do the same. Consumer Reports magazine rated and covered new products and services. Then we got online sources like CNET to do the same. We have many ideas, people and things that are now about declaring what is good. Why is this and what does it mean to our businesses and organizations? Without a doubt there is so much information that hits us daily that we are looking for those who can curate and edit what is best and help us determine where we should spend our money and time. Conversely, as we work and run our businesses and organizations we need to understand that out there, right now, someone is helping someone else determine if we are good or not. It's a scary proposition when you think about it that someone we likely don't know is rating, ranking, and evaluating us against our peer organizations so that they can assist someone else in determining what is good or not. We need to be aware and open to where and when this is happening and be sure that we are also a part of that conversation.

When God declared that the work that was done in the first week of the earth's creation was good, He was making the ultimate declaration of goodness. As believers we don't need anyone else to tell us what is good, because we can know that what is good starts with Him. All other falls beneath his goodness. What is important for us to remember each and everyday as we carry our talents, time and treasures into this world is that we are ambassadors of that goodness and we can be the standard bearers that God needs for His goodness to be spread and fulfilled. Each and everyday that we work, with each and every action and word, we can either be supporting and carrying forward His message or, hopefully not, detracting from it. The choice is ours to make.

Reference: Genesis 1:25 (New Living Testament)

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